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Missing You korean drama review
Missing You
13 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Rule
Jan 25, 2013
21 of 21 episódios vistos
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Atuação/Elenco 7.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
I just cannot understand why this drama was extended when it didnt have any substance for even 10 episodes. Well it did start off interestingly, the story developed when the characters were young. The child actors did a wonderful job and as they grew up the story started dragging, and getting from bad to worse, finally they ddnt have anything else to say so they kept repeating flashbacks to flashbacks.... so annoying. Like previaouly stated by other viewers, the crying was a major part of this drama. By that I mean all the actors were made to cry and cry for no valid reason, any random diagloge and the tears were flowing...what was worse absollutely nothing made you feel emotional enough to cry and seeing the actors be cry babies was really not a pleaent sight. I guess they were just testing the limits of their crying abilities. All rants aside, I did watch the whole drama (just skipped 18 n 19 ep and ff the last one and some of the previous ones, although I didnt miss much) I guess I started it so I wanted to finish it like a loyal fan of all the actors. The best part were the three main actors who are amongst my fav ones. Crying apart it was nice to watch them even with this boring story. Verdict: Very mediocre drama, I would only recommend to ppl who are fans of the actors, have high tolarence for pointless crying and dont mind the endle ss flashbacks, but if you skip it, you wont miss much.
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