안녕하세요! 제 이름은 소피예요!만나서 반갑습니다!
I have only been in Dramaland for a little while so take care of me! My first movie, My PS Partner, was something that I decided on a whim and found that I enjoyed it..really enjoyed it! ♥ So I started finding out more about Korean movies then I heard about dramas. But I was hesitant and still didnt try any k-dramas. How I regret my decision now. T_T
And then I found out about Last Cinderella, and even though it wasnt Korean. I found out that I really enjoyed. But it still wasnt strong enough to pull me into dramaland, until recently where I decided to watch You Who Came From The Stars and that's when the obsession began! ♥
And now...my troubles have begun!

Now this MUST be mentioned!


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Kpop History
I have been listening to kpop for quite a while though. My first kpop song was 'I am the Best - 2ne1' And it is still my fav kpop song of all time. Sure, I like others but none can affect me as much as I'm the best. Nothing can replace that first high, lol.

And I am currently obsessed with BTS and everything BTS oriented. These seven boys have changed my life and made me into a whole new being. I cannot be thankful enough for how much they have given me!

Oh, my fav actor is Lee Joon Gi! ♥
There is no one else that makes my kokoro scream as much as him. He's a precious ray of sunlight that must be protected as all costs! ♥♥