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35 sai no Koukousei japanese drama review
35 sai no Koukousei
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by MiriekiLee
Jan 13, 2018
11 of 11 episódios vistos
No geral 9.0
História 8.5
Atuação/Elenco 9.5
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Here I am because 35sai no koukousei is simply brilliant!

The title might deceive you at the first glance but this is definitely NOT a chilling rom-com. It portrays very well the ijime (bullying) problems in Japanese high school and their severe consequences, which although sometimes may be exaggerated acting wise. "The 35 year old Baba Ayako became a high schooler in a bottom-ranked school again and began her journey of healing her classmates' silent wounds" is a very typical Japanese school melodrama plot. The school caste, which I found very annoyingly stupid tbh actually does exist everywhere not just Japan in real life, and people tacitly approve it. At least I am so glad that the 35 year old Baba-chan came into the picture and managed to abolish it!

The more I watch each student's dilemma, the more I see myself in them. Your problems may be easily ignored as you are "making mountains out of molehills". It is just that rather than courtesy and kindness, people tend to first care for only themselves, thus deny others fearing their positions might be overthrown. Does not matter if you are a 1st ranked authority, 2nd ranked namby-pamby or a last ranked nobody, everyone has their own dilemmas and is bound to get hurt when feeling lonely. This drama message is very heart-warming. It is always better to put yourself in someone else's shoes and embrace our society with kindness. Your benignity will somehow definitely be returned!

I cried like a baby during the final scene. All hail to Ryoko's acting as she rocks her highschool uniform and her role! She is perfect for Baba-chan acting wise. Some stories may be more boring and draggy than the others, but the casts were able to pull the drama off by amazingly convincing acting! However, I do love the not so popular casts than Junpei or Kentou, as their characters' development is pretty weak to me.

Final word is if you want something worth your time, watch it! The ending is also a bit draggy and they keep using the same background music all the time lol, but bear with it, this drama is a gem! *wink wink*
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