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Lost in the Midnight chinese drama review
Lost in the Midnight
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Bali
Set 22, 2024
89 of 89 episódios vistos
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Atuação/Elenco 8.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 5.0
Lost in the Midnight (2024) is a revenge drama with a dose of romance for the leading couple that, even though they had many nice intimate and sensual moments, their true heartfelt feelings for each other are not revealed until the very end. Some of the supporting cast members did a good job in acting but others lacked acting skills and looked more like fake lunatics. The drama is more about the main couple Lou Xiao (played by Chen Si) and Si Yue / Jian Huan (played by Yu Yin), their fated encounter and intimate involvement, their connection to a sadistic and powerful family that is out to destroy them, and their desire for revenge upon a mutual enemy. The lead couple is smart and capable but the male lead, Lou Xiao, is too aggressive and violent toward Jian Huan (Si Yue) even when he was trying to protect her. Si Yue was so focus on revenge that she would do anything like lying, seducing, conspiring, and even risking her life for the sake of revenge which drove Lou Xiao mad out of mistrust, pain, and frustration dealing with Jian Huan (Si Yue) and her deceitful demeanor in addition t his most earnest desire to hold onto her. The drama moved terribly fast and the leading couple’s feelings are not in tune to each other until the end. Still, even though the drama is not perfect, it is entertaining.
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