I decided I'd put some introduction.
here it goes:
What am I doing here: I happened to learn Japanese, so I though that watching stuff will help me some and I drowned in this world.

Watching: Japanese stuff, probably more movies
Why not Korean/ other Asian: I'm not series fan in general, plus I lack time and interest, sorry ;)
Since when: early 2013
Started with: Nanas - I watched one and had to watch another next day and thanks to that failed a test.... it was worth it (this very one time)

First Drama: Stand up! (Due to crush on Narimiya Hiroki)
Often go back to

Picnic (1996)
Genre: rather piece of life, not: comedy/romance (had some guilty pleasures but rather try to stay away)
Besides dramaland: private English tutor, eternal student (this might end soon), linguist, music maniac
2015 Movie Challange
Movies that deserve more attention
One song-based movies
50th drama: Love Song
50th movie: Love & Pop (1998)
100th movie: Rainbow Song