The story is moving and engaging. From episode 1, I was intrigued with the storyline and overall premise of espionage.
In terms of acting cast, can I just say that Gao Chen is definitely "A Man for All Seasons"?!?! His upstanding, trustworthy, self-sacrificing and yes even, coward in love nature, is truly beguiling. The actor, Kevin Yan, is handsome and a half. He has been added to my list of Asian actors to follow and admire from afar.
What I really like about Chinese dramas is the evolution of characters within the story. The journey of Hanzhi is characterised not only in her development into womanhood but also in her hairstyles as she matures from the curly tendrils of youth to sophisticated coiffs, that express inner confidence as well as outer beauty.
The music for this show is very good. I dance along to the opening sequence and the OST is swoon worthy. The melodic instrumental that begins the OST introduces the love sequences perfectly.
I am currently rewatching the series, to create a mind map of the best shipper
(Gao Chen/Hanzhi) moments of the series.
Overall, I am enamoured with this story and hope by this review, you will be enamoured with it too!
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Dá Próxima Vez, Juntos Para Sempre
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There is a counselling session where the leads are asked to write out their experience. They are unwilling to reveal their feelings and so their sentences have "...". This perfectly summarises this drama series.Romantic moments are constantly interrupted by phone calls, knocks on the door or people.
There are a number of disappointments on the part of the male lead even though he is a charming soul. The number of times he chooses helping someone else, instead of keeping his word to Sheng Xia is extremely frustrating.
The shipper moments are very cute but as said before they are interrupted, just when you begin to swoon.
If I didn't like the look of the female lead or the character of the male lead, I probably would not have made it to episode 40.
OK, my complaints and utter disappointment aside, let's discuss the positives of the series:-
1) Story - it is a different spin on contract marriage.
2) Characters - Sheng Xia is beautiful and sweet natured. Qui Yang is level headed and respectable.
3) Music - both opening and ending sequences are well received. "I love you, I need you, I want you" and " Slowly I am falling in love with you" are solid musical pieces.
4) Rewatch value - I probably will not rewatch this, as the shipper moments are too far apart and too short for it to be considered worthwhile.
5) Overall, it's a good series; it just left us hanging in suspension for too long.
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