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We Are thai drama review
We Are
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Kier
Out 12, 2024
16 of 16 episódios vistos
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Atuação/Elenco 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
This was such a fun show, super funny and comforting.
I may be scarred by other shows cause whenever an episode was just so fun or when they made promises to do something together soon, I thought something bad was gonna happen real soon but nothing ever did.
No bad vibes here, no misunderstandings, no breakups, no toxic, no threats, no stupid fights, just good vibes, amazing chemistry and hilarious fun with real plot and development

Everyone in this cast is pretty identifiable and had their own style, I struggle with faces but I was never confused here.

The first episode (or at least the first 20ish minutes) were a bit slow for my taste and I even stopped there and had it on "hold" for a few months but I tried it again and after that slow bit, it was never ending entertainment

The characters in this show are very heartwarming and they never hesitate to share their thoughts with everyone that they love each-other and are happy they're all together, that they'll be forever grateful they're in each-others lives. Everyone (and I mean everyone) were always included and never left out, always being together and helping each-other

I'll always be jealous of this friend group and it'll be my dream to have people in my life like this, I'm already 24 so hope I can find my group soon haha.

I'm still laughing at this one scene where Peem visits home and says to his mum "I brought my friends with me" then gestures with a camera zoom out; a bus load of 10 handsome guys taking up the whole screen hahahaha, bro really brought an arsenal (his parents loved all of them, super heartwarming)
I also love the bloopers at the end of the last ep where the cast couldn't stop laughing, you just know they had a blast almost everyday on set

Very much recommend this show and take a break from the toxic stuff we often see <3
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