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Cherry Blossoms after Winter korean drama review
Cherry Blossoms after Winter
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Kier
Abr 15, 2022
8 of 8 episódios vistos
No geral 5.5
História 4.5
Atuação/Elenco 4.0
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 2.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Honestly, disappointed

I've been a fan of CBAW manhwa for years now and when I learnt a live action would be made, I was exited. Still had my concerns because I know a-lot of live actions don't go as planned and are often not made well due to low budget. However, I still had my expectations because of how well written the book was (in my opinion) and thought this show would do well since they had such good material to be inspired by.

I have a hard time believing those who have not read the book first would understand what was happening in this show, so much plot was missing and random time skips between high-school, college, then at the end for the proposal.
I understand that remakes won't closely follow the book and things will be different. There is 4/5 seasons of the manhwa being crammed into 8 short episodes, and with the slow dialog, scenes lasting too long, and just plain awkward moments, theres a-lot of time wasted when important information could be protruded.
Instead of trying to pack all the chapters into this short time-span, I wish only the high-school chapters were acted out, maybe a glimpse of college, allowing for a second season if things went well. Giving time to have more in each episode and full stories rather than trying to get by everything quickly and lacking plot.

I can't judge the acting of the main characters since i've never seen any other of their works but it's clear that they needed more chemistry with each-other to portray this love they're meant to have. I wish actors that are actually lgbt would be casted for shows like this, it would add so much.

I hated the sound design from the first two minutes of the first episode. I get the feeling they were over-exaggerating the everyday sounds to include the written in sound effects of the manhwa, it was un-needed, I did not like it at all, and just made the scenes feel so fabricated.

Though I did find a small few scenes sweet and enjoyable, the awkwardness and plot skipping outweighed the replay-able moments. I have a-lot more I could go into detail about but I'll restrain.

In conclusion, I wish they did not try to portray moments from all the big scenes in the chapters and took the time to simply focus on the beginning plot of the first 1-2 seasons of the manhwa.
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