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Paraller universe story (translation included)
This is a short story about the same couple meeting in another universe, with their professions and temperaments exchanged. There are a lot of flashbacks to the original drama, so it's mostly for reminiscing, but there is also a part of the original couple celebrating their one year anniversary. It's worth watching if you liked the original drama.As the special episode is currently online with only Chinese and Thai subtitles, I translated some of the conversation in English. You can read it below.
- When they meet at the stall she is buying the snow globe. The girl (who buy the way is not ZSY's daughter but his niece) says she wants one too. ZSY asks if there is another one, but the seller lady says only that one, so SJB says she will give the globe to the girl.
- When the girl hurts herself SJB says she is a doctor. Every time they ask the girl if it hurts she answers it doesn't.
- When they are on the roof and have fed the bird SJB ask ZSY why he is wearing the mask, does he have the flu. He responds he is an actor. She asks his name, and then in what he has acted in. He tell but she shows no reaction, so he understands that she does not know him and says also that he does not need to wear a mask then.
- After they have finished re-building the castle SJB tells ZSY she always thought actors were sort of good-for-nothing people so she's surprised he is so handy.
- Then their stomachs make the sound and SJB says there are only noodles. ZSY says noodles are fine. She asks if they should wake the girl up, but he says let him sleep and when she (the girl) will smell the food she will naturally wake up. SJB laughs and says that she didn't know the girl was as into food as she is too.
- When the food is on the table SJB points out that the girl has not woken up, so the smell/taste is not good enough, ZSY tells him to taste it first.
- After the power has gone out and there is the memory of the other them, ZSY asks if there could be another world where she would be the actress and he would be the doctor. She says there might be and they could be besties - she uses the word for female best friends here. He says why couldn't they be best friends using the male word. She says they might be even lovers, and after that he starts saying why again, then they fall quiet and he completes his sentence asking why the power isn't back on. She says it's the rural area and he says in rural area there is scenery you can't see in the city so they go to the roof to do the falling star vs. airplane bit.
- They come back to find the girl up. She says she the would does not hurt anymore and also that she was hungry so she ate some of SJB's snacks. SJB tells her to eat more but she says she's full and tells her uncle let's go.
- After ZSY and the girl are gone SJB thinks there might not be a chance for them to meet again, but then she sees the crystal ball. When they meet at the door ZSY asks for her number and she says she was going to give them the crystal ball. The girls says she will give it to SJB. ZSY says let's keep in touch.
- Then when we see ZSY talking to his phone he says this is the place where he met SJB one year before because of the snow globe and that he has now brought her back as his fiancee. She comes closer and asks him if he thinks there is another ZSY and SJB in another world and if they are also in love. He answers "of course".
- Then there is text saying "one year later", but it refers to the original ZSY and SJB. SJB is sending a message to ZSY saying the the scenery is beautiful and his suggestion to spend the weekend there was great. Then she asks him when he is coming, but he answers that there is an emergency surgery and another the next day so he can't come the whole weekend. He says that he has ordered some snacks and the package should have arrived so she has to remember to eat.
- When ZSY is in the box he asks his friend is he is sure SJB will be surprised, he assures she will and it's very romantic. Meanwhile she's happy with the scenery.
- When SJB comes back she says that the weekend without ZSY is boring and how great it would be if he was there. He says her wish is fulfilled. When he comes out she asks when did hie come and if he has waited the whole day. He answers by wishing her happy wedding anniversary. She has totally forgotten so she apologizes and blames her brain. He says she doesn't have to remember, because she will have him for every important day (remembering for her). She thanks him for loving him.
- On the bed SJB asks if there are another them in another world, he says there might be, she asks if they are also in love and he says "of course".
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Nice drama special (includes translation)
There might be two drama specials, but I was only able to find one so this review is about that one.This is a nice little extra story with our main couple. If you liked them in Love at Night, of course you should watch this. The beginning and ending are about the main couple in the same reality, but most of the story is a dream that the FL has where the actors are some other people in republican era. The "real life" parts were the most boring, but the dream story was nice, short and fluffy. Of course don't expect much, it's just a bit of extra stuff for the MC's fans. It seemed like it was not translated, at least not in YouTube where I watched it, so below is my translation of what they were talking about. Chinese is not my first native language so there might be some small mistakes but it should be pretty much correct.
The beginning in the real world is not much important. ML is somewhere on a work trip that keeps getting longer, FL is disappointed but claims she does not miss him. She falls asleep and the story starts.
ML is a strict teacher. FL complains that he shouldn’t be because he’s not even a real piano teacher, just a doctor who has studied abroad. Her father has asked him to teach her because their families have a good relationship. FL wants to learn to play the song to perform for her father’s guests who are coming in a couple of days. ML says she played wrong, and his father would also lose face because of her mistake. She doesn’t care, nobody would notice. He says he would notice. She says she is not going to invite him – he smiles and chuckles. Then he demands he will practice ten more times, and then 20 and 30 more times as she tries to argue. She asks if she can at least go to the bathroom first and leaves the room.
In the bathroom FL wonders how she can get out of practising the piano. She comes out and pretends to feel dizzy. He tells her to rest and he’ll examine her, but she fake-insists to play and claims she likes it. He ends up lifting her up and says “Listen to be/obey me, I’m a doctor”.
ML examines FL on the bed and realizes she was faking it. He says he’ll give her an injection and then if she’s not better, he’ll take her to a hospital. She gets scared and says she feels suddenly fine. He insists it’s temporary and she ends up confessing she painted her lips paled and faked being ill. He says she probably knows what to do next and he will wait her downstairs.
Another day FL thinks about how ML comes to teach her everyday, and this day she’ll show him (or something like that). She tells him he needs to relax and asks him to dance. The servant interrupts them and says that some other lady called Chen came and the master asked him to come.
Apparently it’s a blind date. ML talks with miss Chen about her interests, while FL and servant argue outside whether the ML and miss Chen are a good couple or not. FL of course thinks they are not. She ends up saying, that miss Chen is great and must be saved from ending up with a stiff guy like ML.
When FL starts sending in the smoke, miss Chen is worried there is a fire and ML says to not worry, he’ll go and take a look. He comes out to find the FL outside flapping her fan and claiming to be innocent. He tells her not to move and tries to wipe the soot from her cheek, but she pushes his hand and tell him not to come here to pretend to be a good guy. And that who ever marries him will be unlucky. He asks how does she know he won’t treat well the woman she loves. She asks or says that miss Chen is the one he loves, but he does not have time to answer before the accident happens.
FL is wrapping the bandage on ML’s feet. She blames herself and would rather it be her that got hurt. He asks if she is worried about him, and why. For him it’s natural to save people because he’s a doctor. She says he cannot mock her, but she actually cannot stand him having a blind date with someone. He asks if she hates him so much. She does not hate him, only the piano. She confesses she likes him. He chuckles. She asks why he does not respond, and that it means he’s rejecting her and tries to leave. He stops her and says that actually it was not her father who suggested the piano lessons, it was ML himself. He also suggested the blind date to see if FL cared. She’s surprised he’s so sly and he says it’s the only way a woman as slow as she is.
A lot later, the boy runs in and calls ML dad. In the bed ML reads the story of Snow White, but the story jumps from introductions to when the prince proposes and Snow White happily accepts and they live happily ever after.
We are back in the real life. ML comes and FL asks what he’s doing there. He says she might not have missed him but he missed her, so he finished the work quickly to get back. He tricked her that he’d have to stay one more month so he could surprise her. He asks for a reward (meaning kiss) but she says he’d deserve a punishment more than a reward. She tells him she saw a dream where he taught him to play the piano. He says that’s weird, he saw a similar dream. In the dream she taught him to dance, but also in the dream she did not dance well. FL gets up and ML asks where she’s going. She says to cook and he asks if she can. She says she can’t so it’s better if he cooks. She wants eggs. She also says they are going to Fang Qi’s place in the evening.
At the party someone suggest taking a picture, who knows how long until they all get together. Another one says they should keep getting together every weekend. (It’s been a while since I saw the original drama so I have forgotten their names, sorry.) Then they all give boring life advice to the viewer. The main couple is happy to have gotten to know each other.
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If you are thinking about watching this, take note:
If you are thinking about watching this, take note:- this is not a drama with three seasons but one 36 episode drama split in three
- there are a lot of loop holes, you'll find yourself saying a lot of times "but..."
- the romance scenes are really good but sometimes scarce, you have to be interested in police drama too
- there are a lot of rapes and multiple rape scenes, beware if you are triggered by this
- you can buy iQIYI to watch this with high quality picture, but the subbing there is made by an AI and quite crappy. Take note that the police Cold Noodles is actually called Cold Face, and in the first season when they talk about the FL being "lu chi", it means she has a bad or no sense of direction at all.
If all this is fine for you, give this drama a chance! I myself found it entertaining and watched it in a few days, without getting bored.
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Três Vidas, Três Mundos, O livro de Travesseiros
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Great from episode 21 onwards
It was hard to rate this, as the first about 20-21 episodes were mediocre and often boring, but starting from around the episode 21 all the way until the drama was good: it held my interest, made me laugh and made me cry. For people who start this and find themselves wanting to give up, I recommend you read the recap for the first episodes and start then watching from the 21st episode, since that's where the most important storyline starts. This is actually were the novel starts, episodes 1-20 are told in flashbacks. I felt the same way with Eternal Love (TMOPB): the best part in the drama starts from the same point as the whole novel.I have read most of the novel and I can say that this adaptation is very true to the original. Even though some things are changed, most of even the smallest details follow the way they were in the novel.
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