What I really loved about this drama is that no matter what, their love and trust for each other almost never wavered. The people around them were attracted to them because of that sense of devotion and innocence but were never able to get in between them. I thought the main actor was kind of too old for Qin Li but they made a great couple. There were so many sweet moments.
I skipped through all the cop and gang business. I hated those parts. As usual, the sins from the last generation were dragged down to the young generations and made everyone's lives terrible.
I loved the narration done by the main leads. What ifs, what could have happened, etc. After all, it's better to just never regret anything, which is greatly emphasized throughout the drama.
This drama's good point, in my opinion, is the love, ranging from family to friends to lovers. Definitely a must watch just for the pure love between the "siblings".
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There were loopholes, like how some supporting characters were just pushed off the screen without much of a excuse. But without paying too much attention to these small details and just focus on the big picture, the story can be romantically heart-wrenching. It's almost like an adaptation of "A Wedding Invitation", which stars Bai Bai He and Eddie Peng. The story lines are very similar. The cast are both just as wonderful. Joseph Chang challenges the role of a man who very much loves his wife (ex-wife, etc) and tries to yield to her every demand. I can never get bored of Bai Bai He because she is simply amazing with her roles, always challenging the opposite sex with her prowess. This was a well directed film.
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STORY: The story line would have been perfect if it didn't get so obvious after a while. Girl and boy start dating during school years and then break up at the girl's request to pursue successful careers (guy becomes a chef and the woman is some kind of designer / pottery maker). She comes up excuses as to why she wants to break up with him. Five years later, they contact each other again only to find that Li Xing is getting married! From this point, Qiao Qiao and Li Xing go through a series of events that tests their love and whether or not they can still go through with the break up contract. It doesn't get obvious until towards the end, but by that point, I can guarantee that you don't want to stop watching. I only gave it a 9 because the screenwriters wrote a cliche twist but they developed it so that it's not like most cliches. In a way, the cliche was made up by the ending. I just wish they had a better way of explaining the breakup. There were a lot of surprises in this movie.
ACTING/CAST: I really loved Qiao Qiao's acting and Mo Mo! He was so cute and I was so surprised at what his role was in this movie. Well, less competition! Eddie Peng broke my heart throughout the movie. He was the innocent one, the one hidden in the dark. It hurt when he tried to keep a straight face on. When he cried, I cried. When Qiao Qiao teared up, I cried. There were so many tears in this movie and none of them seemed fake. Gotta respect these crying scenes. Qiao Qiao changed her roles so easily. From shocked/surprised, to anger, to calmness. As an actress, she played her character really well and it was nice to see the diverse personalities that she put on. Of course you can see this happening with Eddie Peng as well. Definitely great actors/actresses in this movie.
MUSIC: Loved the background music! Fit with the mood and flowed with the events.
REWATCH VALUE: Definitely re-watching in the near future. It's something you would watch when you want something uplifting. It's uplifting in the sense of how romantic it is and keeps you hopeful for something like this to happen in your life. It's something you can watch when you're bored.
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I think there are some lessons for guys that are taught in this movie. Don't make a woman your enemy. Don't play with more than you can handle. Definitely a must watch. It's thrilling, sensual, and I already re-watched it three times! I don't want to give too many details away. If anything, watch the trailer and get lured in!
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STORY: Although this is set 4 years later, there is definitely a huge contrast between the plots. For instance, the movie focuses more on the relationships (Gu Li / Gu Yuan ; Jian Xi / Lin Xiao / Chong Guang) than singling on characters. It teaches us how to move forward in life, build stronger relationships, know how to overcome obstacles, gain ways into someone's heart. It shows us how to cope, how to love, how to protect, how to forgive, and etc. Definitely a lot of lessons taught and a lot of values learned. There are some extremely sad moments, but there are also some extremely funny moments. It's a bumpy ride but hey, lots of eye candy!
ACTING/CAST: I have to admit, I was sucked in by Cheney Chen in Tiny Times 1.0 and that's why I continued to watch the sequel. The first movie wasn't really as good as I expected from the trailer. He played a bigger role in this movie, which I was really excited about. Though his acting towards the end could improve, I really loved his character throughout the movie. Of course, the other actresses/actors were well developed as well, especially Amber Kuo and Yang Mi! Didn't see much of Bea Hayden in this movie, and Miss Lin showed her professional side by acting out more than one side of her character, which was especially surprising! I might have liked it better if the story focused more on Bea and Miss, because they're also the main leads.
MUSIC: ABSOLUTELY ADORED THE MUSIC IN THIS MOVIE. Like wow, they really put in more effort for this sequel. Though I still don't like the ending song, it was the same one used for Tiny Times 1.0.
REWATCH VALUE: I gave this a 9 because it's a movie you probably want to watch two times in a row at once then probably don't want to touch for another few months. But for me, because of Cheney Chen, I kind of don't want to leave this movie alone for a couple of weeks. The first time I watched it, I was just seeing how it would turn out, but at the end I got surprised, so I'm going to re-watch it to see all the missing details again. I would definitely recommend this to people who watched Tiny Times 1.0.
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Although trailers bring a lot of attention to Lin Xiao, there's a lot of focus on Gu Li as well. Gu Li's family members come back after her father's death. Finding out more information about her father's assets, it begins the adventure of unraveling more secrets whether it's about the company M.G., or about each person they call a friend or family. Although a bit messy with the story line, they broadly wrap up situations that can happen in a life that is not impossible, just highly unlikely. Loan sharks chasing after debts, girlfriends stealing boyfriends, boyfriends faking deaths, parents forcing their children to do whatever is told, and ultimately, friends keeping secrets from each other to protect each other. Looking aside from the cg effects and the slow motion scenes (in my opinion, were too much), director Guo Jing MIng incorporates life lessons and shows us that you can't judge situations just from one perspective. Seeing one situation from all the characters make you realize that a lot of problems in life have multiple sides and you have to think from another person's shoes. Once again, a bit messy and alternates between different scenes. It also didn't go as much in-depth as I would have liked about the new characters introduced.
There's really not much to say about the acting but Yang Mi's stomach really shows. If you didn't know, Yang Mi was still carrying her child during filming, and thankfully her baby is now born and really healthy, despite the cold scenes! I'm satisfied that she came back to film Lin Xiao though because as Guo Jing Ming once stated in an interview, Tiny Times isn't the same without the four girls. Vivian Dawson wasn't bad as Gong Ming so kudos to him! Chen Xue Dong as an M.G. model is a nice change. You can see his character conflicting between Zhou Chong Guang and Lu Shao (his new identity) and I personally don't feel good when I see his face scrunched up in pain, especially when he can't confront Lin Xiao and tell her everything. Bea as Nan Xiang has more scenes this time around and definitely shows us infinitely more sides to her innocent, goddess-like aura. Even Xie Yi Lin as Tang Wan Ru brings more to the table than being a happy simpleton.
Also, Chen Xue Dong's "Never or Ever" (lit. translation "No Goodbye") and Sodagreen's "Glimmer" are amazing additions to the Tiny Times OST. Overall, a wonderful movie to pass time and reminisce about certain relationships.
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This drama can be a real tearjerker at times. The plot is actually a bit more complicated than what the synopsis says. It's more of a drama based on the conflicts between the Chinese and the Japanese and Athena gets dragged in because of the people she loves. Thus, her life was suddenly revolving around love and her desire for revenge. I would recommend this to people just for the amazing action scenes and the love scenes between Liu Lei Zi (Athena) and Na Lan Dong!
The story line was amazing. You never know what's going to happen. There were times where things SEEM to be dragging along but it just added to the flow. The action scenes were mixed with Chinese kung fu (mainly Tai Chi) and guns. They were spectacularly filmed and even more amazing when Athena was using her special weapon! Sometimes the action scenes were a bit ridiculous though like having dozens of people shooting at one person and can't even get the target dead. Instead the dozens of men would be dead or something and the target wouldn't even be hurt.
The acting/cast was a 9 for me because I didn't really like Dean Wu's acting and Michelle Ye was meh. Her initial "crying" scenes made me want to just stop watching because all she did was whine and there were no tears. Her laughing seemed so forced sometimes, it made me cringe. What I really loved was Liu En You's acting (as Na Lan Dong)! This is the first drama I've seen him in and he's amazing at his role (and well I don't think this is a spoiler but he's acting out as a player who falls for this one girl, etcetc). It's really cute watching the scenes between him and Michelle.
I didn't really pay much attention to the music but when the sad scenes came, the music felt just right. Also, the music when Liu Lei Zi is dancing captures the essence of her dancing!
I would definitely rewatch this maybe in another few weeks-months. The chemistry between Liu Lei Zi and Na Lan Dong can sometimes be tiring to watch but most of the time, it's so exciting to see where they're going to head towards!
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STORY: It's a movie revolving around a fox spirit who wants the love of a mortal who "supposedly saved her life". However, this man is already in a relationship (and in love, very much in love) with another woman. I actually thought that because it's a mythical movie, there would be more visual effects, computer generated stuff floating around, but no. This movie stuck to the plot, and didn't do anything fancy schmancy which I really appreciated! I got confused at some parts like when Pang Yong was introduced. It wasn't until later on as the plot developed that I figured out what his relationship is to Pei Rong. But it was all good, it didn't really affect me watching the story. Though, the story was also kind of lame. Wang Sheng made a startling confession and I really want to know if it affects the relationship between him and Pei Rong but now I'll never know. Love in this movie is very.. pure, at least for Pei Rong. Of course, as a fox spirit, Xiao Wei is the personification of jealousy, but at the same time, her unwavering love for Wang Sheng can be quite touching.
ACTING: Well, not much can be said. Definitely loved the acting. Vicki Zhao is a talented actress. This is the first movie I've seen Chen Kun in and I am impressed. I always liked his acting since his role in The Conquest. Definitely stalking his roles now. I didn't like Betty Sun as Xia Bing though. Her role was a bit lacking. Xiao Wei was great but she only had a few expressions in this movie, and that's not much to base on. All in all, nothing in this movie can make you really cringe. It's an enjoyable movie to watch with the cast!
Didn't pay attention to the music much but I would definitely re-watch this sometime soon. It's a touching story, and a really romantic one at that. There's not a lot of lovey-dovey scenes but they make up for it at the climax! Really shipping Chen Kun and Vicki Zhao ~
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The director chose a great group of actors because the acting is spectacular. Watched this because of Crystal Liu (Liu Yi Fei) and Deng Chao. I felt like I was watching another Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame kind of movie, but it wasn't. There were all these special effects and it really made me go wow. It's not the kind of cg effects that seems over-exaggerated, don't misunderstand. Whenever they were used, it wasn't excessive. Wu Qing's(Crystal)character is entirely based off of telekinesis and there were too few scenes in this movie reflecting that, which I found regrettable! It was really cool seeing Crystal acting out this role, because I didn't like her in Chinese Paladin that much. She definitely showed superb acting skills. Ronald Cheng as Zhui Ming provided comedy relief since he's the easy going guy. Always loved him in HK movies and dramas. There wasn't much emphasis on Tie Shou, which was a pity since he seemed like a pretty cool character to act out. Then there's Deng Chao as Leng Xue which I found slightly disappointing because I didn't really see much acting coming from him. There were scenes with him but not enough character development. This whole movie, I kind of focused more on Wu Qing.
Anyways, I would definitely recommend this movie. Action packed, slight romance, and comedy, what else can I ask for? It can go from an all serious moment to an entirely funny scene. The cinematography and music really added an extra bonus to the entire thing. This one hour and 58 minute movie is definitely worth the time, would re-watch soon. Currently expecting the sequel with the same cast, The Four 2.
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A BIT ON THE STORY: Basically there's this love department where they extract or input memories of love. Marriage, divorce, break ups, separation, etc. This department is able to extract these memories and when couples want these memories restored, they can also do it. This movie revolves around future high tech.
Though I didn't really rate it that high on my list, I'm giving it an 8 for this review. I found it a deeply emotional story line. Very touching, very life-related. If I say what it teaches now, then there wouldn't be a reason for you to go watch that now.
All I can say is that, you can definitely expect what the ending will be but the events that lead up to it are so sweet~ Don't expect much in the acting field though. I certainly like Ying Er in this short movie compared to SWAK. Definitely re-watching now just because I definitely didn't expect the twist!
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This drama has 50 episodes long and I felt like the ending has been dragged out a bit, but definitely did not disappoint! Great cast, great acting, great music, and I would definitely re-watch. Mixed with a LOT of family drama, business battles, betrayals, friendships, love triangles, there are many great things to say about this 2013 romantic drama! [MAY CONTAIN MINOR, VERY MINOR SPOILERS]This novel-based drama has great camera shots, great scene transitions, amazing fashion styles, and great music accompaniments. Straight from the first episode, you'll be sucked in with the fast-paced events. I got hooked by the children in the rain scene and if you watch it, you'll know what I mean. It'll slow down, which is why it stretches to 50 episodes but I wasn't able to stop myself from watching it episode after episode. Even to the very end, I wanted more! [And if you do watch it, you'll REALLY understand what I'm so stuck on.]
Cliche but to the point, the drama has deaths, illnesses, love, betrayals, sibling rivalry, etc. As the synopsis indicates, there's almost a constant melancholic atmosphere surrounding the female lead. Qin Li is a great actress. First saw her in Shining Days and her strong personality in her roles really amazes me. In this, she plays out an innocent young girl that becomes a understanding woman within one scene and it was fantastic! The schemes, the well-thought out plans, the way she takes control of all kinds of situations, it's all so visible in her acting. The people around her are constantly hurt, as well as herself! It was a drag to see the family drama drag on for so long and I actually skipped through most of it.
Then there are the male leads. One acts as a playboy and the other one as a childhood love. The childhood love played by Li Yi Feng was really sweet and heart-wrenching. The playboy played by Lee Wei makes you hate his guts at first but then when he comes back into the drama later on, you'll just grow to love his guts. What's a drama without a love triangle? Along with so many siblings (the father got really busy during the drama), Chang Qing tried to get what's hers and avenge her dead relatives. Despite all her hard work, love doesn't come easily to a girl who wants so much revenge.
The plot was given an 8 for its cliche-ness. Definitely loved the entire drama as a whole!
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The acting was great. Really loved the chemistry between Xin Yi and Hao Tian. In almost all of their scenes, there was a sweet kiss scene or you see them displaying their love affectionately. Li Qian as Xiao You made me really touched. Her role as the distressed maiden really broke my heart, especially since Xiao Bai (William Feng) couldn't seem to find a way to love her in return since he only loves Xin Yi, and that really shows! It's so evidently seen in William's acting at how Xiao Bai treats Xin Yi and how he treats Xiao You. Poor Xiao You :( The woman (not sure who plays her) who's fighting Xin Yi for Hao Tian annoys me so much. She's playing with so many different men >_>
The music was ok. I liked the intro song and it's pretty much played over and over again in the drama.
I don't think I'll rewatch this anytime soon. The wardrobe for Athena was pretty bleh. Somehow, I feel like her wardrobe sense got worse as the drama went on. The clothes made her look too old~ There are also too many side stories, too many couples involved, and so many complications. I guess it's to spice up the drama but for me, it dragged the story.
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Heads up, it will hurt, so bring out a box of tissues.
STORY: It's surprising. Like... the writers really can drag you all over the place. What you assumed, what you thought, they kind of become useless. I mean some things are given and I won't say what... but as I've mentioned, many flashbacks. They'll slowly unravel the story. Do not be fooled by the first half like I did. Although it's about a sick girl, there's almost nothing medical. It mainly revolved around this girl's first love experience. For me, even when there were times in the movie where I knew what was going to happen... I bawled like a baby. It was emotionally painful. There is a love triangle of sorts, and you have to factor in Shi's overprotective mother. Everyone wants the best for Shi. The writers also throw in sweet stories for Shi's mom and Xia's dad. Both really touching stories. At the end, it was kind of romantic, cheesy... but I came to love the entire thing at the last act in the film. There was a moment for all the confessions towards the end that wrapped up many loopholes, but at the VERY VERY end, there's one final twist that just messes with you entirely. I still can't get over it now. I won't say anything so you really have to watch it to the VERY END. You won't regret it, at least I hope you don't.
ACTING/CAST: I was doubtful of Angelababy's acting. I've only seen her in tabloids and all that, never really seen her act. But she acted out this role really nicely, in my opinion. Given the ending, she can act, in and out of the story line. Mark Chao.. never watched him either and I didn't quite like him in the story. In the beginning, I felt him out of place. But he was the main reason I continued watching, the moment the game was reversed, and the tides have changed. I guess the best scenes of him for me were the really emotional ones, the ones that make you all teary-eyed. I don't know how to explain but... most of the acting crew was amazing. No one was terribly bad that you have to cringe at their acting.
MUSIC: I don't like Mark Chao singing, if that's really him singing. But he sang a beautiful song with meaningful lyrics. It really goes with the movie. There were also beautiful instrumentals that I would like to get my hands on. It made everything so sweet and dreamlike.
RE-WATCH VALUE: Like I've said, it's a slow movie. I wouldn't re-watch this anytime soon. But if I was emotionally stronger, I'd probably re-watch the entire thing one more time... just to notice the details and go through the pain again. The ending... it still gets to me. Reading the ending credits, it was filmed based on the Korean movie, "...ing", so the ending is expected. Ahhhh, just watch it. You can find it on youtube!
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The story is about twin girls trying to find a happy future. One girl believes in true love but when met with an obstacle, decides to drop her belief and pursues a more "realistic" kind of love. The other girl believes that money can buy happiness and that marriage doesn't work. However, she meets a wealthy guy who's willing to spend money on her. The story is predictable. The cast was decent. The female lead was kind of cute, loved how she played 2 different characters. I think her acting was pretty good [except for the drunk scenes] and the wealthy guy is pretty cute too. Though, the cast was pretty dull. Most of the acting was focused on the twins [the female lead] so not much I can say about the cast.
Definitely loved the music though. There was this one piece they played for a really long time at the climax and I just loved it. Really great music.
Not something I would re-watch. Great to pass time or watch with someone while cuddling. Loved the romance portions in this movie.
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STORY: As the legend goes, a mortal and a mermaid fall in love but this is not supposed to happen. And thus, they have to overcome many obstacles as they try to stay together. Of course, there's always someone who wants to break up the couple. However, there are also many that support the main couple. I honestly had my heart broken at one of the one-sided love relationships in this drama. Almost all the main relationships in this drama are pure and heartwarming. But it's annoying to see how easily Hong Ling is fooled in the story.
ACTING/CAST: Sometimes the acting made me want to cringe. But other than that, I loved the sparks between the Prince and Tong Xin. I really focused on them alot. Of course, the love between Zhang Zhen and Hong Li is heartbreaking at some points. However, after watching The Legend of Lu Zhen and the movie, Palace, I'm kind of tired watching her act. I really dislike her crying scenes now, to be honest. I'm not a huge fan of Kenny Kwan either. But their acting is decent. The one acting as the Dragon Prince was kind of dull at the beginning but it got REALLY REALLY GOOD. It broke my heart when I watched him.
MUSIC: Absolutely loved the intro and ending songs. The intro song is really unique, only an instrumental. It really matches this drama. The ending song kind of reminds me of Yi Yan Wan Nian from S.H.E., not sure why. There was also a song with a male singer that I really liked and it appeared with the Prince and Tong Xin. Some of the instrumentals in this drama were really good and it catches onto you quick.
RE-WATCH VALUE: I probably won't re-watch it in the near future, even if I had time. But, I would re-watch it for the supporting couple. I really, really liked them.
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