Road to Kingdom” is the spin-off from the popular competition program “Queendom” last year. The show features seven boy groups—PENTAGON, ONF, Golden Child, The Boyz, VERIVERY, ONEUS, and TOO—who will compete against each other in missions every week.
Every year, K-pop fans look forward to the end-of-the-year awards ceremonies, which features special performances from their favorite idols as well as unexpected interactions between groups. “Road to Kingdom” has reportedly spared no expense in order to rival those ceremonies in scale, with contestants directly participating in brainstorming sessions for songs and concepts.
The performances will feature not just singing and dancing but also acrobatics and amazing stage props that aren’t ordinarily seen on music show broadcasts. The production staff also worked hard to prepare diverse stage set-ups and appropriate stage direction in order to showcase each vocalization, choreography, and facial expression.
Apart from the competition aspect, “Road to Kingdom” will be an opportunity to discover new faces and new talents. There are many chances for groups to interact and react to each other’s performances and for idols to show off their natural humor and wit. People are also looking forward to the chemistry between MCs Lee Da Hee and Jang Sung Kyu, who had great success with the previous season on “Queendom.”
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