
Young Do and Eun Sung Song

Xue Wu and Yu Wen

Ji Yi and Chang Soo

Wa Dao&Yu Die

Makino and Domyouji



Shin Se Gi and Oh Ri Jin

Eun Soo and Choi Young


Shi Woo &Soon Duk

Madi and Silver

Jinxiu and Zhou Zhen

Nark and Lan Ser


Wu Ji and Xin Yue



Yuvuz and Bahar


A few details about me
My name is Charity...
I am 23 years old
I am from the U.S.
I love KDramas,Chinese,Japanese,Thai,Tawin,Turkish,and of course American shows
The reason I got into Kdramas and etc is because I got tired of American fandoms having ship wars over fictional ship's.....Kdrama fan's are super nice...Iv'e never seen them finding over fandom's...I only seen this fighting over drama's xD
I do not like k pop at all,nor do I plan to listen to it...Nothing personal,I'm just not that into it xD...I do love pop,rock,Country, and Christian music tho!!!
If you love the otp's I mentioned above feel friend to friend me/and we can discuss them,even if you don't like them you can still friend me xD...