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52hertz 🐋 that doesn't live in the sea


52hertz 🐋 that doesn't live in the sea
Until We Meet Again thai drama review
Until We Meet Again
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Dahney
Jun 8, 2024
17 of 17 episódios vistos
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Atuação/Elenco 9.5
Musical 10.0
Voltar a ver 9.5


Believe me when I say, I am perhaps the most discerning individual you will encounter. My preferences are distinct, and my tastes are specific. By a stroke of luck, I stumbled upon this BL series. The comments were mixed—some viewers had abandoned it repeatedly, others had fast-forwarded through episodes. Yet, there was an indescribable allure that captivated me, compelling me to give it a chance. I looked it up, eagerly downloaded the episodes and immersed myself in the narrative. Far from dull, the plot was captivating. As someone who subscribes to the notion of reincarnation, I found the portrayal of the theme deeply resonant. The actors’ performances were stellar, their on-screen chemistry, utterly enchanting—I savored every moment.

In most dramas, I find a connection with a single character, but in an amusing twist, I related to two in this series—P’Dean and P’Pharm. They are, in essence, a reflection of myself.

P’Pharm, with his radiant smile and maximum cuteness, exudes an innocence akin to that of a child. His expressions were flawless. Were I in Dean’s shoes, I too would seize every opportunity to tease him, just to witness his reactions. His laughter was infectious, his demeanor, endearing—who could resist his charm?

P’Dean, on the other hand, was like gazing into my reflection in a mirror. His initial interactions with his siblings, his reserved demeanor among others, and the warmth he reserved for his beloved were all too familiar. Despite appearances, Dean was quite the charmer. The intensity of his gaze when it fell upon P’Pharm was transformative—a testament to the actor’s skill.

Manaow was a revelation—always accompanied by her makeup bag, she epitomized the ideal friend. Her reactions to the central couple’s romance were priceless. She was a delight.

Win and Team added their own sweetness to the mix.

Korn and Intouch’s journey was fraught with challenges, but fortunately, destiny favored them, reuniting them in the end.

The drama was anything but monotonous.

It was a viewing experience I wholeheartedly endorse.

I highly recommend it.

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