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52hertz 🐋 that doesn't live in the sea


52hertz 🐋 that doesn't live in the sea
Only Friends thai drama review
Only Friends
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Dahney
Jun 2, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Atuação/Elenco 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 8.5

A Rollercoaster of Emotions: A Late-Night Binge-Watch

When I first saw Ray with his head resting on the toilet seat, I knew he was the one. Have you ever watched a movie or a drama and felt an inexplicable connection to a character? Ray was that person for me—twisted and flawed, yet profoundly relatable. Life has a way of molding us into unexpected shapes, and Ray’s journey resonated with me.

As for Sand, he's such a sweet guy. I mean, he saved my Ray and made him a better man. What could be more perfect than that? I admire his hardworking nature, the way he takes care of the people he loves, and his deep bond with his mom. It pained me to see him cry or suffer, but such is life.

Mew's situation is perplexing. I felt anger toward Top for betraying him behind his back. It's as if fate inscribed in red ink, 'Innocence gets you hurt.' Mew possesses a forgiving heart—a quality I lack. If I were in his shoes... well, let's not dwell on what I'd do.

Top is still not my cup of tea from the first time I saw him. His character resembled a predator toying with its prey, inflicting wounds and then licking them. Perhaps my bias influenced my perception, but anyway...

And then there’s Boston, a lost soul who struggles to understand love and how to be loved. When he settled down, I hoped he'd find stability. Alas, he stumbled again, losing something precious. Boston reminded me of a thirsty lamb in a desert, bypassing an oasis to wander deeper into scorching sands. Sometimes, we all need a wake-up call—a metaphorical smack on the head—to alter our course.

Nick, the sweetheart, faced perpetual bad luck in love. His heart woke up one day and chose unrequited love. I'm relieved he eventually found self-awareness and escaped the torment he inflicted upon himself. Innocent face, wounded heart—sweet Nick.

The friend group was f**ked up to the core, probably why I sometimes wish I remained friendless to avoid the drama, betrayal, and complicated love dynamics.

The series itself was a whirlwind of emotions. Stellar performances by the actors, perfectly crafted scenes, and an engaging storyline held me captive. So here I am, writing this review at 5 a.m., fueled by my all-night binge-watch. Was it worth it? Absolutely.
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