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52hertz 🐋 that doesn't live in the sea


52hertz 🐋 that doesn't live in the sea
KinnPorsche thai drama review
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Dahney
Jun 1, 2024
14 of 14 episódios vistos
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Atuação/Elenco 9.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10.0

The definition of Perfect...KinnPorsche

Honestly, I never used to watch Thai bl, I was more of a Korean bl, with a touch of Japan bl and Taiwanese bl and the Chinese censored dramas. I used to find Thai weird, I never knew what I was missing till one day I just decided to sit down and click or a Thai bl and my mind just blew off, I got arrhythmias man. It's addictive. it's fun it's.... well you got to experience it first.

KinnPorche, I loved it. it has that taste of action, the gunfights, the blood, the Mafia, the adrenaline, the romance, the mind blowing scenes. it's got it all.
I loved the relationships, the chemistry between the actors.
You know, I used to say, and I still do anyway, when you're in a dangerous line of work, you should avoid romantic relationships with anyone and I mean anyone, not even one night stands cause once you do, you're a gonner, it's some kind of a weakness. well to me, love is a weakness, you never know when someone will stab your back. your most trusted people might be the ones pulling the trigger. If I were some Mafia don I wouldn't have any love in my life, that's me.

It's rare to meet a loving trustworthy partner like how Kinn met his Porsche.

or maybe how Vegas met his Pete.

well I hope life would be as it is in the fictious world.

anyways, you have to watch this drama and have your own experience. it's worth watching. very interesting.

I'm glad I decided to visit Thailand😊
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