Me when I open my drama archives
requesting green role (Luwuang's server)
Hello, fellow drama-lover! My name is Debora, and I'm a twenty-something young woman from Italy.
I'm into hot boys, intriguing stories, learning languages, and my cat. This list is far from being done, but I'll stop it here for your sake. ;)
I don't stick to a particular genre, in fact, I usually give a drama a shot just because I feel like it, as it seems intriguing to me. I do, however, tend to stick more to the "darker" side enjoying thriller, mystery, supernatural and dramatic stories.
Also, due to the fact that I'm a wannabe polyglot, in the past couple of years, I have started watching more and more Chinese dramas, so if you enjoy Chinese/Taiwanese dramas or plan to dig into this world of awesomeness, feel free to drop me a message or to take a peek at my lists.
I don't have a particular way to rate what I watch, even though I tend to be a bit stricter than others. Simply put I just feel that it should be that way. If you understand what I mean. xD
Also, if you enjoy reading and want to chat you can drop me a message on GoodReads. :)

♡ The Untamed ♡

♡ The Fiery Priest ♡

♡ Guardian ♡

♡ Circle: Two Worlds Connected ♡

♡ Semantic Error ♡