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Hapimari: Happy Marriage!? japanese drama review
Hapimari: Happy Marriage!?
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Bri
Jun 25, 2018
12 of 12 episódios vistos
No geral 9.0
História 8.5
Atuação/Elenco 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
This was honestly SO refreshing. I'm more of a k-drama addict, but I saw this and thought it looked good. BOY was I right! I think my favorite part about this show was how whenever there was a misunderstanding or some sort of drama, it would be cleared up right away instead of taking 6 episodes of unnecessary content before it's resolved like k-dramas do... Overall I gave it a 9 because some of the content was pretty cliche, but I loved it anyway! Plus it was a bonus that the main couple was SO CUUUUTE! Ok, maybe that's a bit overboard, but they were adorable.
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