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5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Sarah
Out 23, 2020
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
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Fantastic web-drama!

So I started watching this to support Chan in his acting but stuck around because I loved watching the story unfold and the characters grow as the drama went on. There was a lot of character development going on with the backstories gradually getting revealed as the drama progressed which I really enjoyed. I didn't like the FL's character too much at the start but she really grew on me as she started gaining more confidence and came out her shell a bit more. My favourite characters for this drama were Yeeun and Bohyun, both separetely and together!

I personally like short dramas like this as I can watch them on my lunch break at work and they tend to be a little faster paced as well. I've seen some comments about product placement but it's a drama, they all have product placement. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a drama which didn't have any at all, it's where they get a lot of their budget afterall. I didn't think Twenty Twenty was too in your face about it apart from maybe the perfume shop but even then it was woven into the story well imo.

I'm a bit biased because I support A.C.E with my whole heart and soul but I feel that Chan did such an amazing job with Bohyun. He embodied the character and became Bohyun so was really fun to watch. I loved the random scenes with Jun as well, it was so funny seeing them act together.

For a group of new actors, I think they all did really well! I'm really optimistic for their futures and I look forward to watching their future dramas as well! I hope for a spin off series or a season two of this because I really enjoyed it. It's also got some of my friends into dramas because of Chan so I now get to introduce them to more dramas >:D

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3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Sarah
Abr 25, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
This drama hit me like a truck, I heard it was good but I was really not prepared. Note to anyone who is even vaguely emotional: You will need tissues, you will probably cry. A lot. And hopefully laugh a lot too!

The actors chemistry for this drama was perfection, they gelled so well and the stories intertwining with one another was amazingly well written. I wasn't as keen on the Grim Reaper at the start but I warmed to him as the drama continued and he became a firm favourite, although in fairness, I loved them all, apart from that Aunt and her kids, they can go away! Although a lot of it is serious and deals with a lot of difficult subjects/themes, there's a lot of hilarious moments too and you get to witness budding friendships between an unlikely group of characters which also results in some very funny sections of the drama.

The story is full of twists and turns which leave you at the edge of your seat, I for one am SO glad that I didn't watch this whilst it was airing where I'd have to endure waiting for the next episode week to week, it would have been torture!

I've only watched 23 dramas, giving 2 including Goblin a 10 (the other being "It's ok, that's love" because of the difficult topics it deals with incredibly well) but honestly, I'd give Goblin a 100+ if I could, I've never laughed and cried so much for one drama. You will feel happiness, sadness, elation, loneliness, grief and heartache at various stages of this but it's worth it thousands of times over. I'd rewatch this over and over again when I need a good dose of feels or just a laugh at a certain secretarie's dance moves and super serious bromance moments.

The OST is beautiful and I have got it all saved on my Spotify for when I need a Goblin moment! It captures the mood of the drama so well, it's worth a listen away from the drama to fully appreciate it.

I've seen people complaining about the age gap which I can kinda understand but at the same time, in this day an age there being an age gap in a relationship isn't uncommon, she's 19/20 in this, I don't see it as being particularly 'creepy' as her character is immensely mature and has a lot of depth. Love isn't confined to age.

There has also been criticism of product placement but it doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as the obvious sticky tape over brand labels that I see in man other dramas. I'm so used to product placement in TV shows and movies that it doesn't really bother me, some of the placements were quite funny anyway. If anything, Goblin has done a great job at making me want to go back to visit Canada again ;3

I held off from watching this for ages as the plot sounded a bit weird but I regret not watching it sooner as I would have been able to re-watch it a few times by now so if you are hesitating, please just go and watch it and you will understand what all the fuss is about.

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