
  • Última vez online: 1 um dia atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: In delusion
  • Contribution Points: 2 LV1
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: julho 28, 2021
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award3
Se você gostou
...então talvez você goste
Family drama is almost similar, a grandfather who wants to give the company to his grandson. But the grandson refusing to accept that. Reasons are different thpugh. In one drama it's because of a health condition, while in the other, it's because he wants to be free from all of the ties. Its also similar in the places of contract marriage, having each other for support, and ML drifting away from grand father after marrying the FL.
Recomendado por Corn Salad - Mar 6, 2024
Se você gostou
...então talvez você goste
The storyline is pretty different, but the characters portrayed in both the dramas are similar. While in Mr. Queen the soul in entering the body of other while in One the woman, its another person with the same face. But the character in both the dramas are crazy ,bold and independent and never care what others say but making their own choices. There is pretty similarities in the storyline too when in both the stories, their husbands are uninterested in them and have another lover. But in Mr. Queen the husband was a good person while in One the woman , he is a coward and I felt like a bit perverted too. There is also a similarity where it doesn't show where the real Kang mina is as Mr. Queen didn't show where the soul of real queen is on most of the episodes. They know how to impress others when it comes to their professions as a Prosecutor in One the woman and as a Chef in Mr. Queen. I found these stories similar in terms of the female characters.
Recomendado por Corn Salad - Out 16, 2021