
  • Última vez online: 8 horas atrás
  • Localização: chronic traveller
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
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  • Data de Admissão: abril 6, 2021
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1


chronic traveller


chronic traveller
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Noona Romances

Younger Man + Older Woman romances, AKA Noona Romances. These are ones I have watched and enjoyed. 

22 titles 2 loves
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Best BLs of All Time

Some of my favorite BLs of all time, in general order of preference. I prefer Bl with a happy ever after, high rewatch potential and connections…

46 titles 5 loves 2 comments
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Japanese BL & Live Action Yaoi Manga

Triggers: still uses the kidnapping for love trope, the worst ones love a murder-gay, but otherwise tameQueer rep: some non-visual queer elements…

28 titles 8 loves
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BLs Not Set in High School or University

My rating system is pretty tough so a 7 is actually really good from me. I only gave you pitches for the ones I really enjoyed. Where possible…

29 titles 7 loves
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BL from Taiwan Repping Gay Marriage

The Taiwanese BL industry casually flexing Taiwan’s marriage equality muscles. History 2: Right or Wrong (2017) flexed first. At the time…

8 titles 1 love
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BL Featuring Childhood Crushes

With the possible exception of Where Your Eyes Linger (which I watched a long time ago and can’t really remember) all of the ones I screen…

10 titles 2 loves
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BLs in an Office/Professional Setting

Most office/profession setting romances also take their characters into the home sphere.Since BL comes from yaoi and a lot of (particularly…

20 titles 3 loves
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Most Romantic BLs for Valentine’s Day

Here are my top picks of the sappiest of the sappy that you can binge right now. I’m choosing ones that will make you smile with low angst,…

14 titles
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BLs with a Food Themed Setting

My Day the series - pastry chefs To My Star - restaurant You Are Ma Boy (Vietnam not on MDL) - cafe Most Peaceful Place (Vietnam not on…

7 titles
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Cutest BLs

Here are my top picks for BLs that satisfy a cute criteria. Which is to say, mostly up beat and happy with very little angst. No violence or…

14 titles 5 loves
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Paranormal BL

In the romance fiction world this would be called, PNR, or paranormal romance and it usually means a contemporary setting but with magical elements…

14 titles 1 love
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Korean BL

Triggers: obsession; instalove  Queer rep: poor; coming out & being out is restrained if present at all; no visually queer characters  Quality…

11 titles 3 loves
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Taiwanese BL

Triggers: obsessive & stalker behaviors the norm; rough sex , HEA not guaranteedQueer rep: decent in terms of a range of gay relationships…

13 titles 2 loves 2 comments