"The Survival Family" is far from becoming a classic post-apocalyptic post-war movie disaster, the story takes on the character of a strange but genial movie at the same time. The family, driven by frustration and internal hostility, decides to leave the megalopolis to reach the provincial towns, exactly where the head of the family lives, because it seems that everything works there.
The Suzuki family, repatriated in the Middle Ages where the exchange law applies, gets four bicycles and begins the long voyage to Kagoshima by the sea, with roads populated by refugees who are struggling hard to walk and survive in chaos uncontrolled by the lack of electricity. "The Survival Family" tells the whole family journey but it is also an opportunity not only to achieve salvation but also to strengthen weak family ties.
Undoubtedly, the point of departure of the narrative is interesting, we think for a moment that really happens in such a situation anywhere in the world, and also Yaguchi's choice to impress the movie that relies on comedy deserves applause. What frustrates him a little is that he is slow but inexorably back in good tones of history, leaving aside the irony that would have given more force and mass to the story. The journey as a rediscovery of oneself and the importance of family ties that undergo a metamorphosis of the characters that, in the end, has all the other face to the beginning is, a fundamental aspect of the
of the ecological theme, the return to a life simpler than that of the metropolis.
As a whole, "Survival Family" is a movie that allows you to watch, it also has moments of brilliant intelligence in popular jobs that appeal to the general public, but the most tangible feeling is honest work without infamy and no compliments but it is very worthwhile.
The Suzuki family, repatriated in the Middle Ages where the exchange law applies, gets four bicycles and begins the long voyage to Kagoshima by the sea, with roads populated by refugees who are struggling hard to walk and survive in chaos uncontrolled by the lack of electricity. "The Survival Family" tells the whole family journey but it is also an opportunity not only to achieve salvation but also to strengthen weak family ties.
Undoubtedly, the point of departure of the narrative is interesting, we think for a moment that really happens in such a situation anywhere in the world, and also Yaguchi's choice to impress the movie that relies on comedy deserves applause. What frustrates him a little is that he is slow but inexorably back in good tones of history, leaving aside the irony that would have given more force and mass to the story. The journey as a rediscovery of oneself and the importance of family ties that undergo a metamorphosis of the characters that, in the end, has all the other face to the beginning is, a fundamental aspect of the
of the ecological theme, the return to a life simpler than that of the metropolis.
As a whole, "Survival Family" is a movie that allows you to watch, it also has moments of brilliant intelligence in popular jobs that appeal to the general public, but the most tangible feeling is honest work without infamy and no compliments but it is very worthwhile.
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