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Amor é Panaceia
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 18, 2023
34 of 34 episódios vistos
Completados 5
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 3.0


Going into this drama, honestly was kinda 60/40 but glad I did tune into it....
Luo Yunxi for me has been an actor very hit and miss....
Zhang Rounan, never understood why she has got such a big push....

Wow, did my perception of both these actors change just watching this drama.... Seriously what have I learnt?....
Luo Yunxi is indeed very good, some reason never really liked him alongside Bai Lu however with Zhang Rounan has been exceptional, she has really got the best out of Luo Yunxi for me, funny me saying this as he is a veteran actor....

Zhang Rounan, Ok right now I am watching dramas which feature Bai Lu, Wu Xuanyi, Jian Tian however with confidence can say Zhang Rounan is MVP.... She is the best actress right now.... Honestly this is a very basic script, if it was anyone else acting in it i think would have dropped this drama but Zhang Rounan has captivated me with her performance..... I have said it, actors like Xu Kai, Zhang Ling He & Wang Hedi need to seriously do everything they can to secure a drama with her, she is to perfect.... One they shouldn't let slip!....

Where to now?....

Luo Yunxi reminds me of guys like Jasper Lui & Gao Hanyu.... guys that can still turn on the charms.... just need really focus now at this point of their careers just sticking to their strengths and not get sucked into bad scripts....
Jasper and Luo Yunxi seem to know this and watching both latest dramas are doing this.... Hopefully Luo Yunxi replicates this, finds a Female Lead which growing momentum that can excite the viewers along with a script that keep us engaged and again, another success....

Zhang Rounan, simple keep doing what you are doing, Xu Kai & Wang Hedi agency will be calling soon....
Please dont do a rubbish script like Only for Love, think Wang Hedi has learnt his lesson there and will find nice script for both of you....

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Lady's Law
18 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 27, 2022
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.0
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Best Pacing for a Drama

I will be honest the first 8 Epsidoes I was figuring out if I liked the Male Lead and Female Lead and look now, I finished this 40 episode drama & honestly I have been dropping so many Dramas lately!

The more experienced the cast the better, this cast is nothing short of brilliant, the drama doesn't go stale, the writers found ways to continue to make the story fresh, appealing, interesting throughout the 40 Episodes. The chemistry between the entire cast was good.

Jiang Shu Ying was excellent in her role, chemistry with the Male Lead Peng Yu Chang was awesome, they set the tone early.... I mentioned before I need to like the characters or else I drop the drama, these 2 characters become very likeable after 8 episodes, for some even earlier. They grow into their roles. The other main female Lead Liu Min Tao is excellent as well, very strong in her role, the story with her husband also interesting....

The pacing of this drama is very impressive. I do recommend to watch this drama

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País das Maravilhas do Amor
21 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 26, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 4.0

Very Good. Highly recommend

Xu Kai to me has been a very interesting case study. He went on a string of bad dramas which some might disagree and that's fine....
Falling into your Smile.... She and Her Perfect Husband.... Royal Feast.... Lost in Kunlun Mountains....

My opinion is you need to play actors of high profile to their strengths.... Perfect example now, Wang Hedi in 'Only for Love' not played to his strength and drama was total disaster....

Credit to Xu Kai's management lately for 3 things.... (1) getting him back to his strengths.... (2) finding good scripts to compliment his strengths & (3) finding excellent female leads to compliment the scripts & his strengths....
- Gulnezer in Snow Lord Eagle I felt was amazing alongside Xu Kai, really enjoyed their drama but didn't receive good reviews....

Jing Tian seriously exceptional alongside Xu Kai.... When I think of her I think of consistency and charm, I wonder why she is not of status of a Yang Mi or Yang Zi at times but glad both her management and Xu Kai management see her as a perfect match....

The support characters just ok, it's really something both leads excelled in this drama....

Do recommend as again we are seeing 2 leads at their best....

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Unchained Love
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 21, 2023
36 of 36 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
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Wang Hedi & Yukee actually very very good pariring

Ok this is not easy doing reviews without biases, Wang Hedi is my favorite male actor but here we go!

The Story - Ok, its a bit hit and miss. I would say the drama 36 episodes is a big build up. Is the story entertaining? I say so.
Most dramas will have stale patches, I would say during the middle was a rough patch however the start and ending i felt the drama at it's strongest.....

The Main Leads..... Wang Hedi for me is the best male lead, his presence alone in dramas is exceptional!.... I think he did play this role with great precision again, great follow up drama from 'Love Between Fairy & Devil'.... as a big fan, what are his strengths? I say its the protector of the female lead roles.... I see it all the time with him eg. Miss the Dragon, Meteor Garden, Evernight 2, Rational Life and now Forbidden Love.... Yukee, okay I have watched 4 of her dramas this year and me personally dropped all of them, except this one.... I think she did excellent too as Female Lead, played the role as intended and did exceptionally well in being 'the girl worth fighting for' which is to compliment Wang Hedi's strengths. Did Yukee out-perform Esther? I say no however doesn't matter as both actresses delivered high level performances, Esther might of just nudged it!

The Supports.... Ok this is one if you would of asked me half way through the drama, I would have said very poor however as the drama progressed so did the cast, they each came alive and found relevance. I actually started going on MDL to see what next projects each would be involved in....

I think this is a drama that you give to young/inexperienced cast would have failed, but because it was an experienced cast they managed to make this drama quite enjoyable. Fully recommend you watch this drama!

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Quando Você For Eu
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 27, 2022
26 of 26 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
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Kido Ma is Brilliant

I only watched this for Kido Ma, I honestly think he possesses a quality which only 5% of actors/actresses have and that is natural charisma. I have watched many of his drama and super consistent and always steals the show!!....

This drama omg if you are a fan of comedy and a fun storyline then please watch.... The entire cast really plays a strong part in the drama and the character development is truely amazing!!..

Its a story in which the male and female leads keep swapping souls, keeps the story fresh! But the reality is both sets of families have problems with plenty of difficulties.... When Female Lead swaps into the Male Lead body she brings his family closer with a warmer approach, when the Male Lead swaps into the Female Body he brings more firmness and strength into her family. Both Families benefit from this....

Going back to the support cast, they are honestly amazing, watching I was saying many of these Male and Female supports like Gao Xuan Ming & Katherine Zhao are going enough at the Main Lead level, shows the life Kido Ma brings to the dramas he is in!!...

The chemistry between Kido Ma and Zhou Yi Ran is excellent.... Look my opinion has always been this is a Male Supremacy Industry, Kido Ma is the star that needs a cute talented female Lead, that's exactly what Zhou Yi Ran is, played the part perfectly. I would love see ZYR pair up in other Dramas with some of my other favourite male leads....

Fully recommend this drama

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Jovens e Bonitos
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 1, 2022
42 of 42 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 1.0
História 1.5
Acting/Cast 3.5
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Don't watch this drama

This drama is a disaster. Do not waste your time. 42 Episodes of repetative dialogue.

100 men chasing the FL. This is a drama you will end up hating both main leads and yourself through persisting watching 42 episodes of rubbish. This should be available to prisons to put the inmates in torture, that's how bad it is.

The ending is obviously rushed to.... Writers had little creativity.

The acting wasn't bad but not great. Usually after a drama I leave saying I might want tune into this support cast next drama. This didn't happen. Non of the cast won me over. Both leads characters are ones you will dislike in the end. The emotional torture they put their friends through is unforgivable and they still remain friends the group.

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Best Enemy
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 11, 2023
36 of 36 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

Only watch this if.....

Ok one thing I have learnt from watching c-dramas..... Republican dramas are really no good, they are boring & most times they try push agendas....

I like Gao Zhiting so watched it, it had patches of decent story telling....

Only watch this if you like Republican dramas or like any of the cast eg GZT or Sebrina Chen. If non of the above don't bother.....

It's an okay dramas but same time won't rewatch it or recommend it....

I think most times certain Chinese cast agree to these dramas as get future lead role guarantees plus get some creative control in existing drama such as GZT gets to be in martial arts/shootout scenes which allows better his resume for future action dramas....

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Mulheres Caminham na Linha
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 26, 2022
36 of 36 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
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This drama is a disaster

Where do I start? Ok let's start with the story.... 36 episodes for what really? I guess it's a love office drama, sister drama with problems in between, long and short the writing was lazy.... I have watched many office dramas and even 4-5 sister dramas this year & creativity is never endless however this one creativity with the dialogue was non existent!... What's the end conclusion, just the wedding?.... Xu Lu catches the bouquet but she is single?....

Acting.... Ok, I think honestly it stated off ok with the Two Female Leads but it struggled to get going with the Two Main Male Leads.... You will end up really disliking all 4 Mains by the end of the drama.... The support cast - actually I thought were ok, if I got through 36 episodes some of the cast must of keep me watching.... The support cast have potential....

Character development - main weakness of this drama, non really developed into better characters by the end of 36 episodes, they developed into worse characters.... Let's break down

Chen Duling - Seriously, I have never been a fan of her acting, she has never acted in anything good. She is a higher up manager in this drama & her character very unlikeable

Xu Lu - I have enjoyed your dramas in the past, liked you because you paired with Gao Zhi Ting in 'Stray Birds' however sorry Xu Lu it's over. Your character was suppose to want to be strong/independent.... Sorry didn't develop anything close to it!....

Male Leads 'Zhang Yu Jian & Dylan Kuo' - I will do both together, look neither won over anyone being the audience. There is potential for ZYJ with a better script & better FL.... DK I suppose other genres like police dramas might suit him perfectly.... However neither for me....

Zhou Da Wei.... THIS GUY is the only thing this show had going for it and they messed it up however the ending I think will actually benefit ed him not ending up with Xu Lu because frankly her character didn't deserve Zhou Da Wei's character.... This guy is fun & charismatic, seriously how did this production and writing team not utilise him to his potential?.... He showed positive development in his character, he answered Xu Lu challenge she gave him, go back to college, be responsible, he did that!.... Anyways I am happy for his character as he has potential and talking about future dramas as the Main Lead!.... His drama that will air hopefully early 2023 is "First Love Again"....
- Sporting basketball college drama
- The Female Lead is 'Huang Can Can'.... Seriously this girl can act! She reminds me of Zhou Yutong with her natural fun style!.... This production team knows what they are doing pairing her with Zhou Da Wei.... 'Xu Lu' loss is 'HCC' gain....

Conclusion, 36 episodes for a lazy script!
Please make sure to watch "First Love Again" when gets released 2023!

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My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 12, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 2.5
Voltar a ver 3.5
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It's a nice film

This is a nice film...
Yes very impressed with CFY & ZY....
Impressed by the lead actors & the film....
considering it's budget....

I felt and only my opinion maybe the supports not as strong, the themes a bit extreme at times, the story friendliness at times might of lacked.... Struggled early however finished very strong and mid way through film was good....
I recommend a viewing, only a few hours....

Overall what I felt lacked still doesn't matter, the leads both fantastic....
CYF definately once air clears will be back 100%.... ZY amazing actresses with Back to Brink also good reviews....

I cannot wait see both again together in a drama in the future....

Only problem I have with ratings is the antis possibly early on gave negative reviews without proper reason & the fans of CFY in response may of overrated the scores however look, I have no problems if people give 10/10 because I understand as well why they might of felt it worthy of full marks so not disputing it. I can understand if they were touched by it. With the antis, would like to understand why score it 1 or 2? I have dropped dramas and films giving them low marks but I had a reason for low score. This drama I felt was ok at the start and good at the end so easily worthy of higher score .... MDL needs better moderating of scores, not just this film but all dramas here. People only tend to vote either high or low.

Anyways please no hate, just my opinion. I was polite. Hope everyone enjoyed the film. I did too just wasn't wanting an encore for this film but yes encore for the actors for later dramas....

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Duas Conjecturas Sobre o Casamento
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 11, 2023
36 of 36 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

Surprised with the low rating

This is actually quite a fine drama, surprised of the score given.
The theme is quite mature, most people used to the standard Rom-com but this drama really delivers.
Experienced casts rarely get it wrong.

Story - I think quite entertaining, mainly about married life, divorce & kids, family orientated story.
Cast - Main & Supports all very very good.... characters all brought value to the plot.

Standout stars for me.... I wont lie, I started watching this show for Lin Peng (she is a gorgeous actress - watched 2 of her dramas last year 'Hello, the Sharpshooter' & 'Stealth Walker'.... seriously this actress is unique, amazing..... without her, this drama would of scored lower....

Standout actor for me.... of course my man 'Eden Zhao'.... This guy is really unique.... I know i said the same about 'Lin Peng' hence happy they got paired, how often do you see two of your favourites paired?.... We got to see the best of both worlds.... I am happy Eden got to develop alongside a great actress such as Lin Peng....

Honorable mention.... Huang Can Can.... this girl is excellent too, reminds me of a Zhou Yutong.... She has a drama airing soon 'First Love Again' and who is the Male Lead?.... Zhou Da Wei.... Seriously these producers sometimes just get the pairings right....
- Lin Peng & Eden Zhou
- Huang Can Can & Zhou Da Wei

Last thing will say, pacing of this drama actually quite good

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Viva Femina
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 13, 2023
35 of 35 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 6.5

I think it's a solid drama

I watched this drama for Jasper Liu, look he to me is consistent and keeps doing it time and time again! Only drama I didn't like was Use for My Talents but then with Zhou Yutong followed up with good drama in Fall in Love with a Scientist

I think this drama has its flaws yes, however the leads in Jasper Liu & Lin Tao really carried this drama! I think strong female lead with Jasper always works. I felt the acting of the younger cast brought decent value. The other supporting ladies not as much neither as their direct male pairings but again, solid lead performances with an ok storyline has made this satisfactory and I would recommend it

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Os Sonhos Antigos
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 8, 2022
36 of 36 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
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Yes watch it....

This story is about a group of 5 friends (4 boys & 1 girl) post school who go out into the world chasing their dreams. This might seem like a youth drama but I argue it's a mature themed drama.

The supports including the friends and parents all exceptional, seriously every character had a purpose and each added emotional value. The workers in the factory too. You might think some are rivals but they really are good people

The second leads and main leads. Yes there is love triangles on both main male and female sides but what is funny, you will be so charmed by the leads you will be cheering for them, same time feel sorry for the second leads. The second leads you see do care for the mains!

Gao Zhi Ting is the workplace leader, pioneer, Visionary, transforms and transitions the by cycle industry. This is really a role he was born to play. Jelly Lin I felt she was the star of this show. You will be charmed by Gao Zhi Ting but you will be extra charmed by Jelly Lin. She is too adorable, also a role she was born to play!

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Olá, O Atirador
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 10, 2022
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 3.5

The drama isn't as bad as some people are making it out to be

If you are a fan of Xing Fei I say watch this drama. It you are a fan of Hu YiTian I say also watch this. If enjoy sports with a fun storyline then yes.... I want a serious drama with serious storyline this isn't for you

The drama goes stale after episode 30.... So you will sit through bit of pain for good 8 episodes.... The writers let this drama down, not the actors.... The Second lead pairing dialogue was not organic but they did OK considering the script they were given.....

Xing Fei bailed out an even worse script in PYHOMS.... Acting again to perfection....
I have never been a Hu YiTian fan, best acting performance by him to date....
Kido Ma & Luo Qui Yun both acted well as second leads....
The third lead pairing of the Pychologist & Boss maybe not as great but same time not horrible

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Jardim de Meteoros
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 17, 2022
50 of 50 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 1.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 3.0
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This drama both a tragedy & amazing

Ok, to be honest this cast is inexperienced and it showed.
The writers of this drama need to be held accountable for how bad this drama got in-between patches, 50 episodes is too much, the other adaptations heaps shorter and newsflash, better too. Longer doesn't equal better.

Female Lead - Ok i am struggling with this one, I don't think the writers did her any favors dumbing down her character. I don't think she did herself favors either with her acting skills. 50 Episodes to be honest was a lot for Shen Yue at this phase in her early career, she lacked the energy for this role at times, other adaptations showed a more stronger version of this character.

Male Lead - Dylan Wang was the star of the show. Without him this drama would have been a train-wreck, he is the least experienced actor yet he carried the entire drama, he is what made it amazing, the rest of the cast plus story is what made this a tragedy. In conclusion you will fall in love with Dylan Wang, he is the reason you will stay watching this 50 episode drama.

Overall - When comparing to say 'Boys over Flowers' or 'Japanese Hana Dori Django' I think this adaptation isn't as good. However However However Dylan Wang performance gives this some respect. This is the rise of a brilliant young career this drama. I like Shen Yue however feel this drama started exposing her, she needs to really brush up on lot of skills. Rest of the cast, well time will tell how each progress.

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A Flor Proibida
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 28, 2023
24 of 24 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 4.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Not easy review

It is never easy to do a review on one of your favorite actors' dramas, in this case Kido Ma without biases but I will do my best.... I will be unpopular for some, however i like to think I am a minority, so my opinion is mine only and carries little overall weight.... Ok, I still gave it a high score based that I finished the drama, these days trust me, I dropped just as many as I finish so if I finish the drama deserves a higher score.

What worked in this drama? I think the second lead pairing of the mother and the younger guy worked perfectly. I think the acting by the entire cast worked well..... i think the settings being simple helped!

What lost minimal marks - I think the overall engagement the leads had with the viewers i felt lost marks. This is a just a blue lagoon type romance, but to some degree i felt it watching those movies. I didn't feel it with these leads. Usually, a drama leaves me wanting to see more from actors/actresses, wasn't feeling it.... I have seen plenty of Jerry Yan anyway....

Kido Ma, tough one. Obviously, he didn't win the girl. Did it matter for me as I am a fan of his? Not really....
Was she the girl worth fighting for? My answer is for Jerry Yan 'YES', for Kido Ma 'NO'..... Many people don't know this however these dramas are designed to have no conclusion, to open up the door for more dramas, this drama is perfect example of an incomplete ending which I find 90% of dramas fall into....

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