I don't understand how you can give a rating as low as 1, 1.5, 2..... for a drama where so much effort was put in. It's okay if the story didn't please you enough or didn't exceed your expectations, but there are people who like *LONG* dramas precisely because these stories are like that .
In reality this is more like a rant, because this didn't just happen with this drama, like how a person can look at a piece of work and give an extremely low and distressing grade, it's not cool to do that, you know? I feel really sad.
I haven't even finished the drama yet, but I've already had a good time watching it and I'm hooked, I'm sorry if you don't like it, but there are people who like it and it's very sad when there are people who are so selfish to the point of saying that a story is bad just because she didn't like it.... THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A STORY BEING BAD AND YOU DIDN'T LIKE A STORY.
Se você é assim como eu que não tem acesso por outros meios a dramas (caso vc tenha entendido oq eu quis dizer..f3ns#bs) eu acho que o minino que nos podemos fazer é tratar com carinho as notas que damos, porque foi realmente muito difícil fazer o drama sabe? eles realmente botam muito esforço nisso imagina você literalmente fazer uma novelakkkkkkk. Eu realmente fico triste com a quantidade de pessoas ingratas que tem a coragem de botar uma nota TAO baixa em histórias que nem são ruins desse jeito que elas fazem parecer.
In reality this is more like a rant, because this didn't just happen with this drama, like how a person can look at a piece of work and give an extremely low and distressing grade, it's not cool to do that, you know? I feel really sad.
I haven't even finished the drama yet, but I've already had a good time watching it and I'm hooked, I'm sorry if you don't like it, but there are people who like it and it's very sad when there are people who are so selfish to the point of saying that a story is bad just because she didn't like it.... THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A STORY BEING BAD AND YOU DIDN'T LIKE A STORY.
Se você é assim como eu que não tem acesso por outros meios a dramas (caso vc tenha entendido oq eu quis dizer..f3ns#bs) eu acho que o minino que nos podemos fazer é tratar com carinho as notas que damos, porque foi realmente muito difícil fazer o drama sabe? eles realmente botam muito esforço nisso imagina você literalmente fazer uma novelakkkkkkk. Eu realmente fico triste com a quantidade de pessoas ingratas que tem a coragem de botar uma nota TAO baixa em histórias que nem são ruins desse jeito que elas fazem parecer.
Esta resenha foi útil para você?