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She's From Another Planet chinese movie review
She's From Another Planet
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Sidhika Trisha
Fev 5, 2021
No geral 7.0
História 8.5
Atuação/Elenco 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
●Youtube suggested me this movie which had the title “My Girlfriend is a Mermaid” for seconds it felt as a bizzare title and I thought of it as another mermaid movie who is falling in love with the human, but after watching,It was a good rom-com movie. I enjoyed it.
●Story- synopsis is tells the whole story. Scenes were well written with lots of comic elements which served a good laugh. Rather than romance I would cheer for the friendship of the girls.
●Acting- everyone was amazing. Zou yang as Sunny was cheerful, quick witted. Her charm as mermaid was beautiful.
The two friends were also so good, and gave some very positive friends goals.
The scientist with his hair and face looked like a lunatic and psychopath.
●Music- goodbye song at the party was nice. BGM was done nicely.
●Rewatch- since it finishes in 100mins, I cant really connect to the movie.I would rather go for another movie, but it can be rewatched.
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