Quiet Romance
Title: "Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san" MOVIE – Teasing master takagi-san
As a fan of the anime and manga, I was so excited about this movie. I’ve also watched the live-action series featuring a younger Takagi and Nishikata, but you don’t need to have seen it to enjoy this film as it stands well on its own.
What I appreciated most is how this movie captures the same relaxing and nostalgic vibe as the anime. It’s quiet, slow-paced, and even a bit awkward at times, which some might find dull, but I personally enjoyed it. In fact, it feels more like a true “coming-of-age” story compared to the live action in their younger years. The romance is subtle and focuses largely on ML realizing his feelings.
While I liked the film overall, I was slightly disappointed by the absence of other characters (Yukari, Hibino, and Sanae), as well as the minimal development in the relationship between the leads from their childhood days. But I loved that they showed "100% Unrequited Love" and also baby Chi.
That said, I really appreciate this adaptation, and the confession scene stood out to me for its realism. Although the side story about the students felt quite average, it didn’t detract too much from the overall experience.
I enjoyed the chemistry between the ML and FL. It’s subtle but fitting for the tone of the story. I really loved Takagi. Here, she’s less clever, more demure, and more shy. This shows her growth into a woman and the actress did an excellent job. Nishikata remains as innocent as ever, but there’s more depth to him now. He’s not just a boy anymore but a teacher trying his best. Watching him slowly acknowledge his feelings and with more maturity to his character that I really appreciated.
I love the music/OST for this. I hoped they kept the anime version OST or atleast the first song tho so it’ll be more nostalgic
Rewatch Value:
I will definitely rewatch this especially when I just want something light, and relaxing.
I may be biased since I really love karakai jozu no takagi-san but this for me, delivers a touching, quiet romance that fans of Teasing Master Takagi-san
As a fan of the anime and manga, I was so excited about this movie. I’ve also watched the live-action series featuring a younger Takagi and Nishikata, but you don’t need to have seen it to enjoy this film as it stands well on its own.
What I appreciated most is how this movie captures the same relaxing and nostalgic vibe as the anime. It’s quiet, slow-paced, and even a bit awkward at times, which some might find dull, but I personally enjoyed it. In fact, it feels more like a true “coming-of-age” story compared to the live action in their younger years. The romance is subtle and focuses largely on ML realizing his feelings.
While I liked the film overall, I was slightly disappointed by the absence of other characters (Yukari, Hibino, and Sanae), as well as the minimal development in the relationship between the leads from their childhood days. But I loved that they showed "100% Unrequited Love" and also baby Chi.
That said, I really appreciate this adaptation, and the confession scene stood out to me for its realism. Although the side story about the students felt quite average, it didn’t detract too much from the overall experience.
I enjoyed the chemistry between the ML and FL. It’s subtle but fitting for the tone of the story. I really loved Takagi. Here, she’s less clever, more demure, and more shy. This shows her growth into a woman and the actress did an excellent job. Nishikata remains as innocent as ever, but there’s more depth to him now. He’s not just a boy anymore but a teacher trying his best. Watching him slowly acknowledge his feelings and with more maturity to his character that I really appreciated.
I love the music/OST for this. I hoped they kept the anime version OST or atleast the first song tho so it’ll be more nostalgic
Rewatch Value:
I will definitely rewatch this especially when I just want something light, and relaxing.
I may be biased since I really love karakai jozu no takagi-san but this for me, delivers a touching, quiet romance that fans of Teasing Master Takagi-san
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