Both dramas have a podcast element (more present in the hit the spot) and the show is talking about sexual relationships freely.
The shows both talk about men who are not afraid to step out of societal norms. Fashion is something that everyone can make their own and shouldn't be confined by gender roles.
in term of tone it is quite different as ka ni doro wo nuru has a bit of a darker undertone with the ex while Colorful love is a lot more goofy, but when I started this show it immediately reminded me of colorful love.
in term of tone it is quite different as ka ni doro wo nuru has a bit of a darker undertone with the ex while Colorful love is a lot more goofy, but when I started this show it immediately reminded me of colorful love.
they're both anthologies stories and they tell stories from a woman's perspective (their daily lives and their struggles with their partnes) and it usually ends with sex.