Ones for the feels
Every title in this list is either my most favourite or most hated (ones that had me depressed for days) but loved either way. There is no specific order to which I love the most or ones with most angst/tragedy. There is also the actual MDL rating at the end of each title because I have found that when I look at other lists I always look for the actual rating since it only shows my ratings.
1. Dias Melhores
Chinese Movie - 2019
Still can't get over it
2. Eu te Dou o Meu Primeiro Amor
Japanese Movie - 2009
Utterly heartbreaking, don't go in with any expectations
3. Meu País: A Nova Era
Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
The whole frustrates you and kills you for 16 hours straight but you really can't help loving it ( + bucketful of eye candy but will not give you the sweet feels)
4. Amanhã Vou Namorar Com o Seu Eu de Ontem
Japanese Movie - 2016
Confusing at first, but you'll be left feeling empty
5. Outono em meu Coração
Korean Drama - 2000, 16 episodes
6. A Horas da Minha Vida
Japanese Drama - 2014, 11 episodes
7. Redescobrindo o Amor
Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes
8. Um Homem e Uma Mulher
Korean Movie - 2016
9. Me Encontre Depois da Escola
Japanese Drama - 2018, 11 episodes
10. Obcecado
Korean Movie - 2014
11. Milagre na Cela N° 7
Korean Movie - 2013
12. Amantes da Lua
Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes
13. Voo Noturno
Korean Movie - 2014
14. Me Salve
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
15. Romance Secreto
Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes
16. O Mentiroso e Seu Amor
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
17. Secretamente, Grandemente
Korean Movie - 2013
18. Atire No Meu Coração
Korean Movie - 2015
19. Seduzida
Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes
20. A Última Imperatriz
Korean Drama - 2018, 52 episodes
21. Invasão Zumbi
Korean Movie - 2016
22. Paixão Incontrolável
Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes