Chinese BL - from Taiwan, Hong Kong and China

BL/Gay themes movies, dramas and short movies from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. 

For a comprehensive list of Asian BL containing not only these titles but also Japan, South Korea and Thailand; see my huge list for Asian BL/Gay movies and dramas. (At the moment 771 titles and counting.) Also see my other lists; separate BL lists for each country, Short movies/mini-dramas, and others.

(My political conscience demands that I clarify; My label "Chinese" refers to language and simplified cultural  unity. Taiwan is not a part of China, no matter what the latter might claim. Let's hope that it stays that way--so that the Taiwanese LGBTQ people may keep their human and legal rights.)

List will only contain titles in which BL/Gay/Male Bi couples/characters/themes, have at least a somewhat prominent role. 

***(Titles with (only) Trans characters; not included--a Trans woman who loves men is straight, not gay.
Crossdressing has nothing to do with gender identity so titles with cross-dressing guys who like guys; included.
Bodyswap is (reluctantly) included.
Bromance if there is an implication that it is/will go beyond friendship)***

Adding titles and comments every now and then. 

Note; To make it simple; I'll just call BL, even if it would be more correct to say; stories about guys who are attracted to guys.  
"Gay theme" and BL are two different things.
But as long as one can tell fantasy from reality--it's a convenient word.

Bambikill Ago 8, 2017
225 Titles Loves
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  • A Cidade do Sul

    1. A Cidade do Sul

    Chinese Movie - 2017


  • A Light Year

    2. A Light Year

    Chinese Movie - 2018

    Longer short. (41 minutes).

  • A Queer Story

    3. A Queer Story

    Hong Kong Movie - 1997

  • A Straight Man Like You

    4. A Straight Man Like You

    Taiwanese Movie - 2019

  • After Erection

    5. After Erection

    Hong Kong Movie - 2017


  • Ainda Vai Me Amar Amanhã?

    6. Ainda Vai Me Amar Amanhã?

    Taiwanese Movie - 2013

  • Alternative Love

    7. Alternative Love

    Chinese Movie - 2016

  • Alternative Love 2

    8. Alternative Love 2

    Chinese Movie - 2016

  • Amphetamine

    9. Amphetamine

    Hong Kong Movie - 2010

  • An Encounter In Chengdu

    10. An Encounter In Chengdu

    Chinese Movie - 2012


    Has a sequel which is considerably longer--however, it's a compilation consisting of several stories.

  • An Encounter In Chengdu 2: Love Unbound

    11. An Encounter In Chengdu 2: Love Unbound

    Chinese Movie - 2014

  • Apaixonar-se por um Rival

    12. Apaixonar-se por um Rival

    Chinese Drama - 2015, 8 episodes


    Yet another dramatization of one of Chinese BL author Chai Ji Dan's novels. This is bad, especially so in comparison with the adaptations of her other novels; "Addicted" (which is really good) and "Advance Bravely" (which is a very good production.)

    Firstly--the extreme revision of the story is a downer. The novel is absolutely insane, (but aren't all her novels, though...) but here it's very much toned down and modified--probably due to the over-the-top setting in the original novel, with snake breeders, mobsters and huge ass plot parts with massive operations of reptile thefts en masse and whatnot... It would have made for a much trickier production to pull off. So it's understandable from a practical POV.

    But when scratching the whole snake breeder thing, which the whole novel revolves around--not much is left. Just a moron with a thick skull, the A-hole he gets involved with, and their stupid love story. If the original storyline had been present--"stupid" would have been fine. Because the insanity would have justified everything. Without the world of breeding of venomous crawlers--this just becomes uninteresting and generic and the only insanity left is just odd and silly, rather than insane.

    No one in their right mind would call Chai Ji-Dan's stories GOOD, but we like her stuff exactly because they are crazy. (And because of the--often gross, but always eye-popping--smut.)

    In addition to cutting out almost all slithering things--this is a really cheap and really crappy production.

    Note; The novel has different names depending on which fan translation you read, and it goes for the drama as well. It's often called "Counterattack".

  • Approach to Love

    13. Approach to Love

    Chinese Movie - 2013

  • Approach to Love 2

    14. Approach to Love 2

    Chinese Movie - 2016

  • Artemisia

    15. Artemisia

    Taiwanese Movie - 2008

  • At First Glance To See It With

    16. At First Glance To See It With

    Chinese Movie - 2017


  • Attraction

    17. Attraction

    Chinese Movie - 2016


  • Avançar Bravamente

    18. Avançar Bravamente

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 30 episodes


    Glossy, tidy, corny and stupid. And nuts, like all Chai Ji Dan's stories. Gotta' love it. 

    It's not realistic, profound or intelligent in any way, shape or form--but it's entertaining. The budget was pretty high and production slick, especially so in comparison with the other dramatizations of Chai's stories--which were really low-budget. This needed that part in order to work. And it did.

    There are far too few BLs with action/thriller/other "less cutesy" themes, so I get happy every time we get something like that. Bodyguards, cops and kick-ass martial art scenes that are really well done, to boot. Add some explosions and shit--and I'm a happy Fangirl.
    (Yes, once again; I love my BL "manly".)
    But don't get me wrong--this is quite typical BL in most ways. Just that the setting isn't.

    Guys are hot, acting is decent, OST is quite catchy. The side couples don't work, since there just wasn't all that much material to go on, in the novel--and the drama had even less, so their stories end up feeling like fairly pointless fillers. (I haven't finished the novel, though.) 

    The big, big, BIG minus here; Sadly, this is very strictly adjusted to work around the Chinese media ban on LGBTQ content, so you have absolutely zero BL action. Zero. But props to the production for still being able to conjure up some tension and clever scenes to imply stuff they weren't allowed to include. (But if I had to choose--I'd still go with this tame version, because Chai's novels are so dirty that they often step over the line to tastelessly vulgar. I like it hot and if it suits the story--preferably really graphic, but Chai often pushes it to the level of cheap porn-mag-jerking-off-material.)

    But to sum it up; this is a mandatory watch for anyone who digs Chinese BL on a light and silly note.

  • Awakening Love

    19. Awakening Love

    Chinese Movie - 2017

    A very short full lenght movie--or a very long short. Depends on how one sees it. (1 hr 6 minutes).

  • Azul Escuro e o Luar

    20. Azul Escuro e o Luar

    Taiwanese Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    Decent drama series of the slightly angstier and less cutesy kind. Kind of... boring. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely worth a watch--I just mean that the storyline isn't exactly all that exciting. It's mellow, with a melancholy feel to it, most of the way through. 

    The plot and execution is a bit uneven but the acting is good. The play with colours as a theme--something you will actually see visually, if you pay attention to colours of clothing etc, as well as in the technical work with lighting etc.--is an interesting and artistic touch. I thought about it when watching, but thought it might just be me over-interpreting, but then I saw a review that pointed out exactly the same thing, so I guess I wasn't reaching. :)
    The colours are more than just a prop, they paint the guys and their personalities, moods and states of mind. Observe how they change with time...

    Has some really nice smooching and bed scenes, too. (Oh, let's see if you notice a thing which some other critics seem to have missed. Someone complained about that the bedroom chemistry between the leads wasn't even close to as good as the one between them and their respective BFs--but take a close look at the longest and most graphic bed scene.... I would, perhaps have agreed about the chemistry thing, but then I noticed something which I missed at first, but saw when playing back. You see--BF and Crush look similar enough to make you to miss out on something visually subtle in this scene, unless paying attention.)

    Watch the specials as well. They give closure to the story.

    Huge plus for a GREAT OST and score. I'm definitely not one for sleazy ballads and love songs--but when it's good, it's good. I tend to listen to all kinds of crap as long as it's from an anime/drama/movie I like, because I associate it with them. But in some cases, the music is actually really good. This is one of them. Max Lin's songs from the OST are just really, really beautiful.

  • Baby Steps

    21. Baby Steps

    Taiwanese Movie - 2015

  • Bad Romance

    22. Bad Romance

    Chinese Movie - 2011

  • Bao Bao

    23. Bao Bao

    Taiwanese Movie - 2018

  • Be Loved in House Special

    24. Be Loved in House Special

    Taiwanese Special - 2021, 1 episode

  • Befriend

    25. Befriend

    Taiwanese Drama - 2018, 24 episodes

  • Beloved Enemy

    26. Beloved Enemy

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 15 episodes

    De-BL-fied BL... 

    We´re all aware of the disgusting Chinese bans regarding LGBTQ depiction in media--so naturally, dramatizations of explicit BL novels will become what they become. 

    However, the story is quite appreciated among BL fans even in this "normalized" rendition, and it IS based on a (very dirty--I'm currently reading it) BL novel--so I'll include it on the list.  

  • Bishonen

    27. Bishonen

    Hong Kong Movie - 1998


    Hong Kong oldie. Not a very good one.

  • Bite Fight

    28. Bite Fight

    Chinese Movie - 2016

  • Boss, I Love You

    29. Boss, I Love You

    Hong Kong Movie - 2014


  • Brave to Love

    30. Brave to Love

    Taiwanese Drama - 2019, 15 episodes

  • Capture Lover

    31. Capture Lover

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


  • Capture Lover Special

    32. Capture Lover Special

    Chinese Special - 2020, 1 episode

    Special connected to the mini-drama "Capture Lover".

  • Caress

    33. Caress

    Chinese Movie - 2012


  • Caro Locatário

    34. Caro Locatário

    Taiwanese Movie - 2020

  • Cat Boyfriend

    35. Cat Boyfriend

    Chinese Special - 2020, 8 episodes

  • CEO and His Man

    36. CEO and His Man

    Chinese Movie - 2015

    A very short full lenght movie--or a very long short. Depends on how one sees it. (1 hr 6 minutes).

  • Cherries in Early Summer

    37. Cherries in Early Summer

    Chinese Drama - 2016, 3 episodes


  • Cinco Lições de Felicidade: Bebê Talvez

    38. Cinco Lições de Felicidade: Bebê Talvez

    Taiwanese Movie - 2020

    Short in a collection of five short-films

  • Cinco Lições de Felicidade: Homenzinho

    39. Cinco Lições de Felicidade: Homenzinho

    Taiwanese Movie - 2020


    Short in a series of five short films. 

    I loved this one. It seems others don't seem to appreciate is as much as I did--but I think it's great. The story is something you've never seen before, and it's hilarious. Yet, it tells it without glossing over the fact that the issue is impairing to the life of the MC. Short movies need to be able to tell a big story in a short amount of time--and here we get a story fleshed out enough to make this guy and his life real. Everything is in place, the story is complete, and I, for one, loved the nutty theme.

    A big plus for the entertaining fact that this series of shorts have open endings--and the audience gets to decide and vote for which ending they want--which will then be included in the final, featured version of the movies.

  • Closer to you

    40. Closer to you

    Chinese Movie - 2016


  • Coming Home

    41. Coming Home

    Taiwanese Movie - 2015


  • Coming Out of the Closet

    42. Coming Out of the Closet

    Taiwanese Movie - 2019


  • Crystal Boys

    43. Crystal Boys

    Taiwanese Drama - 2003, 20 episodes


    Haven't finished this one, since it was too heavy for my current mood... 

    I'd been putting it off for years--something I now regret. I tend to do that--create preconceptions that I then hold for true until I give it a chance and realize that I once again judged a book by it's cover. (Not literally, but you know...)

    It's a super cheap production--but it doesn't matter, because this is a STORY.
    It's realistic, depressing, sad, thought-provoking and a work that puts the plastic BL in another perspective. I love the crappy, ditzy junk, too. But I don't for a second forget that it's fantasies.

    There are real people (a shitton of them--5-15 % of the world's population, you know...) behind our obsession and ships. The fandom often forgets to support the real people and their struggle to achieve equal rights and respect. OUR, actually. I belong to the "letter group", I'm bi, but I'm lucky enough to be born in a country where equal rights (ALL rights, including marriage, adoption and everything else) for LGBTQ people are written in stone and any discrimination is heavily scorned upon by most of society. 

    Most aren't so lucky. And this is a fact we need to remember, oppose and fight for. Otherwise our fangirling is vile hypocrisy of the worst kind.

    If you're a fan of heavier, REAL stories; do not miss. (Even though I haven't finished it, I can't imagine that it would turn less good further on.)

  • Customized Companion

    44. Customized Companion

    Chinese Movie - 2017

  • Dark Blue And Moonlight Special

    45. Dark Blue And Moonlight Special

    Taiwanese Special - 2017, 4 episodes


    A bunch of super-short specials for the drama "Dark Blue and Moonlight". Bad such, but very satisfying since they gave closure. (Ambiguously presented but still clear, IMO.)

  • Desejando Você

    46. Desejando Você

    Taiwanese Drama - 2020, 10 episodes

  • Do You Love Yourself or Me?

    47. Do You Love Yourself or Me?

    Taiwanese Movie - 2019


  • Do you, Andy?

    48. Do you, Andy?

    Taiwanese Movie - 2012


  • Don't Want You to Be Alone

    49. Don't Want You to Be Alone

    Chinese Movie - 2017


  • East palace, West palace

    50. East palace, West palace

    Chinese Movie - 1996

  • End of Love

    51. End of Love

    Hong Kong Movie - 2008

  • Enthralled

    52. Enthralled

    Hong Kong Movie - 2014

  • Eternal Summer

    53. Eternal Summer

    Taiwanese Movie - 2006


    This is one of those flicks that transcend any label of "BL" or "LGBTQ" or alike, even when it's such a big part of the plot and themes. It's just a movie, just a story, where sexual orientations aren't the main point, even when being the center of attention. That's a very subtle, but pretty hard, treshold to climb. The focus is instead on the emotions, in this mess of a love triangle. 

    The story in itself, is nothing new. (Though, perhaps the directions in the triangle, aren't the most common ones.) What's interesting here, are the dynamics and intricate bonds between the three. Which are presented, and portrayed, in an excellent way by the director and the actors. 

    I've revised my opinion about most of the BL/Gay themed movies and dramas I used to love back in the days when the assortment was sparse and I was less of a connaisseur (lol), but this is one of few that I haven't downrated with time. 

    It's a deep, beautiful little piece, told in a sensitive and poetic way, not just storywise--but also in music, visuals and by solid directorial work. 

    It's not just a good gay themed movie. It's a good movie.
    That's a pretty rare thing to be able to say about the majority of flicks and dramas on this list.

  • Falling in Love with a Rival Special

    54. Falling in Love with a Rival Special

    Chinese Special - 2015, 1 episode

  • Fanatic Love

    55. Fanatic Love

    Chinese Movie - 2016

    A very short full lenght movie--or a very long short film, depending on how one sees it. (59 min.)

  • Farewell My Concubine

    56. Farewell My Concubine

    Chinese Movie - 1993


    Not BL but gay theme (which is just a part of the much bigger picture), not light, not cute.
    This is cinematic art at its best, in case you want to watch some true quality film-making, from one of my all time fav directors--Zhang Yimou.

  • Felizes Juntos

    57. Felizes Juntos

    Hong Kong Movie - 1997

  • Find You In The Crowd

    58. Find You In The Crowd

    Chinese Movie - 2017


  • Find You In The Crowd 2

    59. Find You In The Crowd 2

    Chinese Movie - 2019


  • Find You In The Dream

    60. Find You In The Dream

    Chinese Movie - 2017


  • Fly In Shallow

    61. Fly In Shallow

    Chinese Drama - 0000

  • Flyleaf of Summer

    62. Flyleaf of Summer

    Taiwanese Movie - 2017


  • For Love, We Can

    63. For Love, We Can

    Hong Kong Movie - 2014

    Short of the longer kind. (48 min.)

  • Formula 17

    64. Formula 17

    Taiwanese Movie - 2004


    TBH, I don't remember a single thing about this flick. All I know is that I considered it to be junk already when I saw it, some 14-15 years ago. (Yes... I'm that old... lol)
    But it seems that everyone else considers it quite good. That makes me wonder what the heck it was that I hated so much about it... 

    Perhaps I should rewatch in order to justify my trashing of it--but considering that I set my bar much lower back in the days, and rated it this low even then... I'm not sure I feel like giving it another shot...

  • Fragile in Love

    65. Fragile in Love

    Taiwanese Movie - 2007


  • Friend Or Lover

    66. Friend Or Lover

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 7 episodes

  • From Here to There

    67. From Here to There

    Hong Kong Movie - 2012


  • From Now To The Past

    68. From Now To The Past

    Chinese Movie - 2015


  • Gentleman Spa

    69. Gentleman Spa

    Taiwanese Movie - 2019


  • Ghost Boyfriend

    70. Ghost Boyfriend

    Chinese Movie - 2016

  • Girlfriend & Boyfriend

    71. Girlfriend & Boyfriend

    Taiwanese Movie - 2012

  • Go! Go! G-Boys

    72. Go! Go! G-Boys

    Taiwanese Movie - 2006


    Here's another one that I watched so long ago, that I can't even remember what it was about--even less why I disliked it enough to rate it this low. 

    Someday when I have absolutely nothing else to watch, I guess I might have to rewatch all those oldies that I've trashed. Maybe. 

  • Graupel Poetry

    73. Graupel Poetry

    Chinese Movie - 2012


    A very short full lenght movie--or a very long short film, depending on how one sees it. (59 min.) 

    This one is strange, too artsy (artsy is fine but it doesn't always work and here it doesn't) and just doesn't come through well enough. Acting is good and production is good for the most part. A couple of scenes are really hot, and to be honest, those are pretty much the only thing I'll remember.

  • Grounded

    74. Grounded

    Taiwanese Movie - 2018


  • Han Zi Gao - The Male Queen

    75. Han Zi Gao - The Male Queen

    Chinese Movie - 2016

  • Hana Kimi

    76. Hana Kimi

    Taiwanese Drama - 2006, 15 episodes


    Even though it's not BL, I've included the different Live Action adaptations of the classic Shoujo manga "Hanazakari no kimitachi he". It may not be BL, but there is a beautiful point made, which I think deserves attention because it's present in a manga/drama which has no BL connection. 

    The Korean version is by far the best, IMO. Even though the first Japanese version has it's charm.

  • Happiness

    77. Happiness

    Taiwanese Movie - 2016


  • Happy Together

    78. Happy Together

    Taiwanese Drama - 2015, 15 episodes

  • Hard to Give Up

    79. Hard to Give Up

    Chinese Movie - 2016

  • He's Next to You

    80. He's Next to You

    Chinese Special - 2014, 2 episodes


    Short special connected to the web-drama/movie (exists in two versions) "Like Love"/"I Love You as a Man".

  • HIStory: Fique Longe de Mim

    81. HIStory: Fique Longe de Mim

    Taiwanese Special - 2017, 4 episodes

  • HIStory: Meu Herói

    82. HIStory: Meu Herói

    Taiwanese Special - 2017, 4 episodes

  • HIStory: Obcecado

    83. HIStory: Obcecado

    Taiwanese Special - 2017, 4 episodes

  • HIStory2: Certo ou Errado?

    84. HIStory2: Certo ou Errado?

    Taiwanese Special - 2018, 8 episodes


    Like most of the "HIStory" productions, here we have another one which is really good.

    This story is a bit different in flavor compared to the other ones. A relationship with an age gap, between teacher and student, and a much more mellow feel. It's sweet, tender and the most realistic of all the "HIStory" installments. It's an everyday-type of love story and it's lovely. Acting is great, the story is well planned and the slow pacing is nice since it makes it feel real. 

    The best word to describe it, would be "cozy". It makes you happy.

  • HIStory2: Cruzando a Linha

    85. HIStory2: Cruzando a Linha

    Taiwanese Special - 2018, 8 episodes


    All the HIStory installments are good, some are excellent. The two "HIStory 2" ones are very good, but not quite as great as the 2019 ones from "HIStory 3". 

    This one is lovely. It's sad that there are so few episodes because both the stories explored could be great, but the time frame does not allow for an in-depth look at these two relationships. However, for the runtime and number of episodes, we're still given a very nice little drama that just makes you smile. I'm a total sucker for sports BL, so I'm thrilled every time we get that, and here we even get a nice story to go with it. 

    The couples are very cute (even though we don't really get to know the side couple much) and the acting is very nice from several of the main leads. The production is low-budget but good, nothing wrong with it. The music is so catchy! I find myself humming the main theme for weeks every time I rewatch this. If to go into the more shallow aspects of BL, we have some nice smooching here :D Nothing explicit--but nice. 

    2020 is supposed to see the release of a sequel movie, let's hope for that. (Update; The title is scratched from MDL so it probably fell through, as the discussions implied already early on).

  • HIStory3: Armadilha

    86. HIStory3: Armadilha

    Taiwanese Special - 2019, 20 episodes


    Ah... something different. We got something a bit similar back in 2017 with "Advance Bravely" but here we have cops and robbers all the way. Almost. Good-guy-mobster?
    It's entertaining, it's well-acted and the guys' chemistry builds all through the series--ending up awesome in the end. It's well produced, slick and simply good. (I'm more than a little bit biased towards mobsters and cops in gay-themed stories, though...) 

    (Further rec; If you like those themes and if you liked this one; make sure to check out the Korean mini-drama "Long Time no See". Also on this list.)

    In terms of the more shallow aspects that we all enjoy; you'll find a fair amount of smooching, of which two kisses are very memorable. One as truly, truly unique (and a bit gross, actually) and then the marathon-kissing-and-rolling-around-on-a-bed-for-several-minutes. That one rocked. Like, really. Something as rare as really romantic, yet really hot.
    Since I'm a pervert I tend to scrutinize such scenes and I'm almost willing to bet that the actors got a bit carried away if you can figure out what I mean. Do you have a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

  • HIStory3: Faça Valer a Pena

    87. HIStory3: Faça Valer a Pena

    Taiwanese Special - 2019, 20 episodes


    If you really can't take painful stuff--don't watch. (But I'm telling you, you are missing out on an absolute gem...) 

    The audience went berserk in their anger about this. (So tiring when BL-fans want to live in a pink world and ignore everything that isn't happy-go-lucky...)
    But yeah, it was heavy. I won't spoil but let's just say that not everything turns out as we'd wish. What made it so shocking was probably that it was so unexpected. I have no problem watching sad stuff since I want a good story--not just fantasies.
    But one wasn't prepared. The overall feel of the series, turned abruptly--from simple, sweet teen love, to harsh reality--and it hurt. :S

    But... I wouldn't want to change it. Because it made this even more memorable.

    The drama starts off on a very light note--with a silly and shallow tone, but it develops into one of the most beautiful portrayals of puppy love, ever. Tender, sweet and just so real and honest. The side couple's story is engaging too, albeit not as notable. 

    The acting is really good from all involved--stellar from some. Initially, I disliked one of the MCs and considered him a bad actor, until he just suddenly transformed and impressed the hell out of me--growing into being superb in the end. The performances from the main leads in emotional scenes--whether they are sweet, sad or horny--are just so raw that you'll get goosebumps. 

    As quite a few other Taiwanese productions, this is graphic. One scene not visually so--just the content and raw feel of it. The other one very visually so. But it's not cheap nor gratuitous, it's beautiful even though it's pretty much softcore AV...
    As for kissing--there's a lot. And it's good. One of--if not THE--best kiss scene in any BL to date, enhanced by beauuuutiful directing, editing and music. The OST is really good, BTW.

    It's sad, yes, but it's also so tender, so beautiful, so sweet and so real, that it's pure stupidity to miss out on it.

  • HIStory4: Perto de Ti

    88. HIStory4: Perto de Ti

    Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 20 episodes

  • Honey Sir

    89. Honey Sir

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 7 episodes

    Mini drama adapted from IRL stories.

  • I Am Not What You Want

    90. I Am Not What You Want

    Hong Kong Movie - 2001

    Short of the longer kind. (49 min.)

  • I Don't Want to Sleep Alone

    91. I Don't Want to Sleep Alone

    Taiwanese Movie - 2007

  • I Go To School Not By Bus

    92. I Go To School Not By Bus

    Hong Kong Movie - 2015


  • I Like You, You Know?

    93. I Like You, You Know?

    Chinese Drama - 2016, 16 episodes

  • I Love You As A Man

    94. I Love You As A Man

    Chinese Movie - 2014

  • I Love You As A Man: Part 2

    95. I Love You As A Man: Part 2

    Chinese Movie - 2015

  • I Miss You When I See You

    96. I Miss You When I See You

    Hong Kong Movie - 2018

  • I'm a Fool for You

    97. I'm a Fool for You

    Hong Kong Drama - 2021, 4 episodes

  • I'm a Fool for You 2

    98. I'm a Fool for You 2

    Hong Kong Drama - 2021, 4 episodes

  • I'm Here & 12 Years

    99. I'm Here & 12 Years

    Chinese Movie - 2015

  • Icarus

    100. Icarus

    Taiwanese Movie - 2017



Myths and Legends of Asia Myths and Legends of Asia

Let's journey through mythological tales, legends and folktales of Asia that were featured in dramas and movies!