Asian Dramas with Sexiest Male Lead Character
Empasis on CHARACTER, I may not necesarily be drawn at all to the actor himself. Of course liking the actor will make it more likely that he'd end up on this list :D
PERSONALITY more than looks, but of course looks is a bonus.
1. Amor na Primavera
Chinese Drama - 2024, 21 episodes
2. Me Desculpe, Eu Amo Você
Korean Drama - 2004, 16 episodes
3. Geração do Amor
Japanese Drama - 1997, 11 episodes
4. Cara Mau
Korean Drama - 2010, 17 episodes
Charms 100000%
Rough but hides deep maturity, sweetness and romanticism. Deeply vulnerable.
Loves to make up romantic scnerious of standing close and staring with deep eyes.
Working together to ClimbLadder/Revenge on rich;
Emotionally vuonerbale,lean on each other, help through pain
5. Over Time
Japanese Drama - 1999, 12 episodes
6. A Mensagem Secreta
Korean Drama - 2015, 18 episodes
7. Minha Bela Dama
Korean Drama - 2009, 16 episodes
Very loyal and takes care of her well constantly.
8. Uma Noite de Primavera
Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes
9. Tempo
Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes
Intellectual and mysterious appeal. The intellectual badboy (not the stupid jock type of badboy) whose heart starts turning golden after 6 monthh left to live diagnosis and meeting the right girl.....Actually he was always golden.
BEAUTIFUL MEANINGFUL SPEECHES/Lifelesssons. Offering to live or die together/loyal until death.
10. Dung Duang Haruetai
Thai Drama - 1996, 20 episodes
Fierce, smoldering, beastly yet romantic soulful. Soulful gaze. Recites poetry and is loyal & determined (won't let her go).
11. Amor Congelado
Korean Special - 2017, 2 episodes
1970s timetravel man aged 26 with cool 70s hair & clothes of brownJacket.
loyal total romantic & sweet!
12. Loucos Um Pelo Outro
Korean Drama - 2021, 13 episodes
13. Você é Linda
Korean Drama - 2009, 16 episodes
14. Chaloey Sak
Thai Drama - 2010, 16 episodes
15. Ruk Nee ... Jhe Jud Hai
Thai Drama - 2014, 13 episodes
16. Amor de Mil Anos
Korean Drama - 2003, 20 episodes
17. Será Que Vai Nevar no Natal?
Korean Drama - 2009, 16 episodes
18. Detetive Zumbi
Korean Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
19. Mil Anos de Amor
Korean Drama - 2016, 10 episodes
20. Love In The Forlorn City
Chinese Drama - 2008, 20 episodes
21. Onde o céu encontra a areia
Thai Drama - 2013, 11 episodes
22. O Rei: Monarca Eterno
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
23. Desqualificação Humana
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
24. Nascidos de Novo
Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes
25. Príncipe dos Lobos
Taiwanese Drama - 2016, 18 episodes
26. Another Parting
Korean Drama - 2014, 5 episodes
27. Revolutionary Love
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
28. Guerreiro Baek Dong Soo
Korean Drama - 2011, 29 episodes
29. Iljimae
Korean Drama - 2008, 20 episodes
30. The Painter of the Wind
Korean Drama - 2008, 20 episodes
31. A Irmã da Cinderela
Korean Drama - 2010, 20 episodes
Charming, romantic and deep eyed. Sings romantic songs in spanish, dreamy and wistful.
32. A Última Imperatriz
Korean Drama - 2018, 52 episodes
33. Rosa Verde
Korean Drama - 2005, 22 episodes
34. 1 Litro de Lágrimas
Japanese Drama - 2005, 11 episodes
35. I Will Fly to the Sky on a Wheelchair!
Japanese Special - 2012, 1 episode
36. Outono em meu Coração
Korean Drama - 2000, 16 episodes
2nd male lead - the best!
Male lead - very attractive too. But not good for female lead.
37. Os Produtores
Korean Drama - 2015, 12 episodes
38. Uma Odisseia Coreana
Korean Drama - 2017, 20 episodes
The determined CHASER romantic interest guy. Archetype of Giver of Verbal Affirmations (love language).
39. Seduzida
Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes
40. Thara Himalai
Thai Drama - 2010, 9 episodes
41. Amigos
Japanese Drama - 2002, 4 episodes
42. Máquina de Escrever Chicago
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
43. What's Up Fox?
Korean Drama - 2006, 16 episodes
44. Green Tea
Chinese Movie - 2003
45. Snowdrop
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
SECONDARY CHAR played by Jang
46. Meus Concidadãos!
Korean Drama - 2019, 36 episodes
47. Uma Advogada Extraordinária
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
48. Extraordinary Attorney Woo Season 2
Korean Drama - 0000