Banned Dramas or Movies.
Dramas or Movies that I was considering but I will probably never watch now as I have been told they have a completely tragic ending, the main reason for me watching dies or if it's romance centric & the leads don't end up together.
Feel free to let me know which ones have tragic endings for the leads so I can avoid them like the plague! Or if I've got one of these wrong somehow.
PS: Please don't try to change my mind or tell me ignore the ending. I just hate tragedies/sad/stupidly ambiguous endings, plain & simple.
1. Um Amor Para Matar
Korean Drama - 2005, 16 episodes
2. Me Desculpe, Eu Amo Você
Korean Drama - 2004, 16 episodes
3. Starlit
Taiwanese Drama - 2009, 22 episodes
4. Secretamente, Grandemente
Korean Movie - 2013
5. Dandelion Love
Taiwanese Drama - 2013, 40 episodes
6. Tubarão
Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes
7. Freeze Me
Japanese Movie - 2000
8. Viagem Só de Ida
Korean Movie - 2016
9. Pieta in the Toilet
Japanese Movie - 2015
10. Invasão Zumbi
Korean Movie - 2016
11. Paixão Incontrolável
Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes
12. The Queen of SOP II
Chinese Drama - 2013, 22 episodes
13. 9 Desaparecidos
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
14. Bangkok Love Stories: Súplica
Thai Drama - 2019, 13 episodes
15. Mr. Sunshine: Um Raio de Sol
Korean Drama - 2018, 24 episodes
16. Meu País: A Nova Era
Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
17. Outono em meu Coração
Korean Drama - 2000, 16 episodes