male side characters that ate (more than the ml)

work in progress 

side characters always seems to shine. perhaps because we don't get enough of them? 

no specific order but top ones are prob current obsessions 

p.s. i used a people list rather than a drama list b/c this way, we can admire their faces! 

p.p.s. male lead version here:

strawberrry niu Dez 21, 2023
11 People Loves Denunciar
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  • Tian Jia Rui


    people are always talking about gong shangjue but OMG gong yuanzhi carried me through the entirety of "my journey to you" with his mischievously adorable smile 

  • Neo Hou


    from "i am nobody": wang ye, the seemingly lazy daoist master with a big heart, turns out to have an even bigger fortune, and looks amazing with a baseball cap! 

  • Kelang Zheng


    absolutely adored lu di, his anime obsession, and his cats in "reset"! 

  • Leo Luo


    pitiful yet elegant run yu turning into a crazy person (from "ashes of love") is exactly what i needed to make my day better! nope, i’m not a psychopath…

  • Victor Ma


    the highlight of "hidden love" aka the best brother you could possibly ask for aka the hottest person in the drama (sorry chen zheyuan)

  • Vardy Wang


    my first character crush was adorable "villian" yu mingye from "dance of the phoenix"! 

  • Bi Wen Jun


    1. funny, flirty but always loyal yue xuan in "in a class of her own" 

    2. zhang lingyu who has trouble accepting that it's okay to not be perfect but ends up with an baddie pink haired girlfriend in "i am nobody"

  • Alan Yu


    in the mess of a drama called "xuan yuan sword: han cloud", bai yi stuck out to me with both an atrocious hairstyle and, most importantly, a tragic backstory + interesting personality. 

  • Cheng Lei


    gong shangjue's character was so much more engaging compared to the male lead's and the director of "my journey to you" sure knows his angles! 

  • Richards Wang


    snarky but warmhearted fighter lei ze xin in "in a class of her own"

  • Sean Xiao


    beitang moran from "oh! my emperor" should have got the girl instead because the ml was actually crap, unlike the caring and thoughtful moran! 

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