Watched in 2023

Once again tracking all of the Asian dramas and films that I watch during the year, so here’s my 2023 list. :)

Order is chronological based on when I finished watching them. 

miraculousdramabug Dez 24, 2022
35 Titles Loves
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  • Alquimia das Almas 2: Luz e Sombra

    1. Alquimia das Almas 2: Luz e Sombra

    Korean Drama - 2022, 10 episodes


    I was EAGERLY waiting for this to come out after finishing the first part of Alchemy of Souls, and I was so curious to see how the story would continue, especially knowing that the lead actress had changed. I went into it with an open mind because I did enjoy Go Youn Jung (the new lead actress) in the first episode of the series, and honestly, I was blown away by how much I enjoyed this second part of the drama! The story was fascinating, the characters were phenomenal, the acting was amazing and so were the aesthetics...and the new lead actress was wonderful with the rest of the cast. It did feel like the vibes were a bit more angsty in this part just because of the story itself, but she worked so well with everyone and I absolutely adored it! I loved the first part, but have to admit that I loved this part even more than the first! The romance was even better and I continued to love the side characters, too...especially my boy, the Crown Prince! ? Highly recommend both parts...I'm already considering a rewatch! haha

  • Pousando no Amor

    2. Pousando no Amor

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    I started a rewatch of Crash Landing of You right at the end of 2022, and finished right after I finished Alchemy! It was as wonderful as it has been the last two times I watched it and continues to be one of my favourites. :D

  • Pretendente Surpresa

    3. Pretendente Surpresa

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    Another rewatch! I started it at the end of 2022, too, and finished it after CLoY! I love this drama, too...I just wish they had given it a few more episodes so that they could've continued on with parts of the story that were in the Webtoon that they didn't include in the Drama. Overall, I LOOOOOOOVED this drama, but just felt like the ending was very abrupt. Maybe we'll get lucky and it'll continue someday.  :)

  • A Ilha

    4. A Ilha

    Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes


    I have to admit that I typically don't watch dramas with horror elements, and I only picked this up because I love Cha Eun-woo...and the only reason I rated it a 7 was mostly because of him, too, as I was very invested in his character and thought he was wonderful--he was like the cute little brother, but also a badass in his fight scenes...and his visuals in this were ON FIRE!!! As for the show itself, I thought the effects were phenomenal and the aesthetics were stunning, but the story is rather weak. I have to admit that I like Mi-Ho (although I'm hoping she starts to get more of the backbone she had in the very beginning in the second part of the season), but I don't really care about Van/Ban. He's such a flat character and I didn't really feel invested in his part of the story. I'll keep watching to see what happens in part 2, but I'm hoping they'll develop Van/Ban better and that Mi-Ho will stop being such a damsel-type character...and here's hoping for lots of Johan screentime!

  • Porque Esta é a Minha Primeira Vida

    5. Porque Esta é a Minha Primeira Vida

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    Loved the beginning of this one, but it started to drag a bit further into the middle of it. I loved the friendships, and the romances, but wish the story had been a bit less spread out. Overall, it was really great though, and I loved the ending! It was super cute. :)

  • Batalha De Amor

    6. Batalha De Amor

    Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    This was an absolute delight! Short, and to the point--I loved every minute of it! The acting was fantastic, the story was fun and fresh, and I loved all of the effects, the visuals, and the music! It was such a fun drama to watch, and I grew to love all of the characters so much!

  • Ele é Psicométrico

    7. Ele é Psicométrico

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    First off, I have to admit that the marketing/posters, etc. for the drama had me thinking it would be much lighter and funnier than it did have funny moments, but overall, it was much darker and heavier than I expected! I loved the four main characters, and really adored their dynamics earlier on in the drama,  but I wasn't a fan of the big twist and really wish the story had a different outcome for some of the characters. Overall, the acting was fantastic, the production was stunning, but the story left a few things to be desired. It also felt like the second half of the drama dragged a lot...but I think that's because I was already anticipating the twists and just hoping I'd be wrong. Would love to see the four main cast members in more dramas though and I'll definitely be watching more of all of their work in the future!

  • Solteiros, Ilhados e Desesperados 2

    8. Solteiros, Ilhados e Desesperados 2

    Korean TV Show - 2022, 10 episodes


    Well this was an unexpected delight! I'm not much of a reality TV fan nowadays--I used to watch it a lot in my teen years, but since then, I have kept pretty far from it in general--but this has made me want to dive into it once again! The premise is pretty typical for a dating reality TV show, so I wasn't completely surprised, but it was definitely interesting to see how contestants from another culture react in shows like this...I'm used to ones set in either the US or Canada. I also quite enjoyed getting the hosts' commentary! Will have to go back and watch the first season now. ;)

  • Ilha 2

    9. Ilha 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 6 episodes


    Once again, I seriously loved Eunwoo as Johan so, so much--if he hadn't been in this, I don't even want to know how low I would've rated it!!! :P He was adorable, sexy...and just blew me away. Van and Mi-Ho did grow on me a bit more during part 2 compared to the first part, but I still felt like their characters weren't developed very well and the romance between them was very also just was way too much of a focus for the story when there were important things going on. I thought the production was stunning, and the effects were so neat throughout, but the story really could have used a lot of work and it was very rushed with how everything unfolded. Overall, it was just okay--it definitely had the potential to be so much better than it was though, so it's a bit disappointing that some of the story fell so flat.

  • Rainha Cheorin

    10. Rainha Cheorin

    Korean Drama - 2020, 20 episodes


    Wow! I loved this so much! I did find some of the earlier episodes dragged and had dialogue that was a bit too dense, but this one really picked up in the later episodes and I ended up thoroughly enjoying it! Ending was a bit bittersweet, but still lovely! The actors were phenomenal. and I also loved the OST! Such a fun drama--definitely so glad that I watched this one!

  • Interligados

    11. Interligados

    Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes


    Wow...this was very dark and a bit graphic for my tastes! I'm always glad to see Hae In, so I couldn't resist watching this one even though I'm not a big horror watcher. The story was a bit rushed and not very well explained, but it was really interesting! I would've liked a bit more at the beginning to establish the main character and the world-building, but overall, the effects were rather impressive and I was definitely intrigued. Don't think I'd watch it again, but I am curious too see if they continue this story somehow.

  • Erro Semântico

    12. Erro Semântico

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    Rewatch. I loved this just as much the second time as I did the first--absolutely amazing in every single way! The casting and acting are FANTASTIC, the story is lovely, and everything is just soooooo well put together! Planning to watch the movie version of the series soon too and I can't wait! :D

  • Isso Se Chama Amor

    13. Isso Se Chama Amor

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    This drama was absolutely lovely and so beautiful! The acting was phenomenal and I was rooting for the main characters to all somehow get a happy ending…won’t share much else to avoid spoilers, but I’m super content with the ending here. The tone of this drama in general was quite quiet and the ending fit that well—I really loved the leads and Woojoo’s brother, Jigu. The only negative for me for this one was that some parts of it were just a tad too slow, but in general, I really enjoyed watching it. 

  • Semantic Error Movie

    14. Semantic Error Movie

    Korean Movie - 2022


    I loved this as a drama, but I think I actually loved it even more in movie form! There were some extended scenes and little moments that didn't appear in the drama and I loved those additions! No matter what form, I just adore this story, the characters, and the adaptation in general...absolutely phenomenal!

  • Quem Governa o Mundo

    15. Quem Governa o Mundo

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 40 episodes


    Whew...this drama was a whirlwind! It was a bit of a slow start just because there was a lot going on right from the start, but once I figured out who was who and how the world fit together, I was hooked! Yang Yang and Zhao Lu Si were wonderful as the leads and their chemistry was AMAZING!!!! Their romance was definitely a slow-burn, but it was so, so worth it! There was a bit too much politics at times for my taste, but in general, I did love this one and I thought it was a really fun drama. :)

  • Fiel ao Amor

    16. Fiel ao Amor

    Korean Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    Absolutely looooooved the leads in this! Their chemistry was so lovely and I loved how their relationship developed. The side characters were great, too! I only wish we'd had less of Bo-ra's ex in this and that the finale hadn't felt quite so rushed--I wasn't quite ready to be done with the characters in this drama yet. ;) Love the OST and the way this story developed though--definitely an enjoyable watch!

  • Joseon Attorney: A Morality

    17. Joseon Attorney: A Morality

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    Absolutely loved Woo Do Hwan in this and it was so good to see him in a new drama! I liked the story in general and was definitely very invested in what was going to happen, but I have to admit that some parts of the story dragged a bit. Overall, I thought this was a really fresh take on a historical drama though and I really liked how different it was. The ending was super satisfying and I really loved the OST!

  • Pausa de Verão

    18. Pausa de Verão

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    I absolutely loved the lead actors in this and some of the side characters were so good, too! The story just wasn't really what I expected and it kind of felt like it went off the rails--I was expecting a lighter mostly romantic drama, and while there was some romance, it was very open-ended and it was much heavier and darker of a drama than I anticipated.  I still mostly enjoyed it all, and really appreciated that we got to see Yeo-Reum learn to value the little things in life more...also loooooved the dog! <3

  • Cães de Caça

    19. Cães de Caça

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    I started this because it had Woo Do Hwan in it and I was excited to see Lee Sang Yi, too...and they were definitely the best parts of this drama! The story was compelling...and so heartwrenching, and all of the actors in every single role did such a spectacular job! Everything felt so real and it made all of the emotional parts hit that much hard! The leads were phenomenal and their bromance was sooooo perfect! I home they end up in dramas together again because they were amazing together...I also really just loved their characters. Two adorable himbos just trying to make the world a better place...this was a hard watch because it seriously holds no punches, but it was extremely well done and I really ended up loving it.

  • Love Tractor

    20. Love Tractor

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS! I recently read the webtoon, so I immediately jumped at the chance to watch this live action and it was so well done! The casting was perfect and they really brought the story to life! It was so sweet and my heart is so full after watching it.  Here's hoping they do a season two because I'd love to see the rest of the webtoon on screen. :)

  • A Criança

    21. A Criança

    Korean Movie - 2023


    This movie was an absolute whirlwind and a real rollercoaster! I loved seeing so many of my fave actors playing roles so far from what I've seen them in before, and I was definitely intrigued with the story and excited to see how it all unfolded! A bit bloodier than I expected, but I still loved it! Especially loved seeing Kim Seon Ho--I'm glad to see him active again and will continue to watch anything I can with him in it!

  • Vidas Passadas

    22. Vidas Passadas

    Korean Movie - 2023


    This film was so beautifully shot and the story was so real! The acting was phenomenal and I was extremely invested in seeing what was going to happen. It was pretty clear that the ending was going to end up being bittersweet, but the journey to get there was lovely and really left me wondering about all of the "what ifs" and the "what could bes" there are in life...and if we do reincarnate, how does that affect our other lives and the people who we meet in each lifetime?

  • Campeonato de Sonhos

    23. Campeonato de Sonhos

    Korean Movie - 2023


    IU and Park Seo Joon...I was sold as soon as I saw them on the cast for this film, and I'm so glad I watched it! The story was fresh, really interesting, and I absolutely loved seeing all of the characters grow!

  • Conto de Nove Caudas 1938

    24. Conto de Nove Caudas 1938

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    I loved the first season of Tale of the Nine-Tailed, but I remember thinking that it did have some slower spots and dragged at times...but this one didn't have that AT ALL! It was go-go-go right from the beginning and the story was so tight, and I was HOOKED! I actually went into it expecting a different premise for why it was set in 1938, but I was happy to be wrong and this was so much better than I could have possibly imagined. Loved it so, so much, and I'm extremely eager to see what this team does with the 3rd season they have planned! :D

  • Vestido Com Mangas Vermelhas

    25. Vestido Com Mangas Vermelhas

    Korean Drama - 2021, 17 episodes


    Really loved Lee Jun Ho in this--his acting was absolutely superb! The story was interesting, but I did find that there were a lot of spots that really dragged and felt like they could've been condensed a bit. The romance was good, but so bittersweet! I did like the chemistry between the leads though, and I especially loved their dynamics with some of the secondary characters (like Deok Im's friends, Court Lady Seo, and Yi San's bodyguard)! I think this one would've been a bit better with a few less episodes, but overall, I did enjoy it! And the production was phenomenal...everything about this drama was stunning.

  • Sorriso Real

    26. Sorriso Real

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    This was super duper cute! I really loved both of the leads and the drama in general had me swooning! The ending was a bit lackluster and it dragged a bit, but it was very sweet and lighthearted. :)

  • Amor Oculto

    27. Amor Oculto

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 25 episodes


    OMG this was SOOOOO CUTE! I already loved Zhao Lu Si and I love her even more after this! She's just so adorable and I love her in absolutely everything! I also loved Chen Zhe Yuan--the male lead--he was so swoony!!! And the older brother played by Victor Ma was AMAZING! I loved the romance in this so much, but I also thought the sibling dynamics were adorable. :) Highly recommend this one! It's def a new fave!

  • D.P Dog Day 2º temporada

    28. D.P Dog Day 2º temporada

    Korean Drama - 2023, 6 episodes


    The second season of D.P. was once again super heavy, and the actors did an amazing job at portraying the story. I felt so much watching this and I was so invested in the story! Definitely not lighthearted by any means, but it sure is worth watching.

  • Behind Your Touch

    29. Behind Your Touch

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    Well, this was an absolute delight! It went a bit darker than I was hoping, but overall, I really enjoyed this! It was a hilarious premise and I loved all of the antics that the leads got into! Highly recommend it, but I would give a bit of warning that this one isn't as lighthearted as it looks. It was still definitely worth watching and I found it super enjoyable though!

  • Nosso Destino

    30. Nosso Destino

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    Absolutely LOVED this drama! Rowoon and Jo Bo Ah were amazing and the story was fun, yet exciting!!! I loved the chemistry between the leads and Rowoon was just so adorable! It also had some very intriguing plot points that kept the story really interesting! I started this one when 12/16 episodes were released and it was super bingeable and I couldn't stop watching once I started! Highly recommend and it's a new fave of mine!

  • Fogos de Artifício do Meu Coração

    31. Fogos de Artifício do Meu Coração

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 40 episodes


    Absolutely LOOOOOVED this drama! I'm a huge Yang Yang fan, so this was already on my radar, bu the chemistry her had with the FL was phenomenal! While it was angstier than I expected, I really enjoyed the story and loved seeing it all unfold. Had some super sad moments that hit me hard, but overall, this drama was so lovely and I was HOOKED!  And I was surprised by how spicy parts of it! Highly recommend this one to fans of melodramatic dramas--I loved that our ML and FL in this one were in their 30s, so they were already well underway to figuring out their lives and the story felt very authentic and real! I also loved that they were each other's first love. <3

  • Meu Colega de Quarto é um Gumiho

    32. Meu Colega de Quarto é um Gumiho

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    WOW! This one has been on my watch list for a while, and I decided now was the time to start it and it was an absolute delight! The leads were fan-freaking-tastic! Their chemistry was amazing, and the story was so fun! I loved absolutely everything about this drama...even though it had me worrying and crying at parts, I loved the entire journey we went on and it's definitely going on my top faves list!

  • Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

    33. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    This is now the third year that I've watched Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha and I definitely plan to try to keep up with having at least one rewatch a year! I find this drama to be so delightful, and I love the character growth, the stories, and just everything about the show's aesthetic and vibe. I feel like Gongjin is home and whenever I watch it's like I'm right there with all of the characters! I absolutely adore Hye-Jin and Du Sik and all of the side characters are wonderful!!! If you're ever looking for an aesthetically pleasing drama where the stakes are relatively low, but the vibes are immaculate then I highly recommend it! This is truly a favourite of mine and I love it every single time I watch it. <3

  • Extraordinária Você

    34. Extraordinária Você

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    I'm a bit conflicted over this one--it was stunning, the acting was wonderful, and the OST was fantastic, but for some reason the story dragged for me after a while and it took a bit for me to get back into it. Overall, I did enjoy it and I loved how unique the story was, but the pacing was a bit off for me. I'd still recommend it because it was really interesting, but I do wish I'd liked it more than I did. :)

  • A Vingança do Casamento Perfeito

    35. A Vingança do Casamento Perfeito

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    This was so dramatic and I was 100% here for it! I loved the leads so much and the story was super compelling! It did feel a little bit rushed near the end and I would have loved more romantic moments with the leads, but overall, I really enjoyed it and thought it was fantastic! Perfect if you're looking for a quick, super dramatic drama!


The World of Joy of Life The World of Joy of Life

A guide to the world-building of Joy of Life for new viewers, a quick recap of Season 1 and Season 2, and what to expect for Season…