분신사바 (bunshinsaba) is an incantion (주술) for calling a spirit that came over to Korea from Japan. This incantation is said to have been famous in Daegu first, but this isn’t certain. It is actually unclear of how and when it spread in Korea. According to a Japanese wikipedia article, kokkurisan (콧쿠리상, a Japanese version of the Oujia board where a mixed animal spirit answers questions about the future) came over to Joseon during the Japanese rule (일제시대) becoming 분신사바. To call the ghost forth you chant 분신사바 분신사바 오잇데 구라사이, “please come to us, bunshinsaba”.
Bunshinsaba (笔仙) was from one of the oldest witchcrafts in ancient China. Bunshinsaba is the ghost of a dead person who can come back to humans' world and answer people's doubts through a certain rite. It originated in the worship of a legendary spiritual goddess. Normally, we think it started from Tang Dynasty but some experts believe it is much longer than we thought. Initially, some Taoist priest used it for divination, and then, it became more popular among ordi-nary people.
1. Bunshinsaba: Hoichi the Earless
Chinese Movie - 2021
(2021-BvsS3) Movie - iQIYI - RAW [Time: 1h 18min]
2. A Cursed Pen
Chinese Movie - 2018
(2018) Movie - Youtube - RAW [Time: 1h 5min]
3. Bi Xian Zhou Yuan
Chinese Movie - 2017
(2017) Movie - Youtube - eng sub [Time: 1h 25min]
4. Magic Pen 2
Chinese Movie - 2017
(2017-MP2) Movie - Youtube - RAW [Time: 1h 2min]
6. The Life and Death of Pen Fairy 2
Chinese Movie - 2017
7. Bunshinsaba Vs. Sadako 2
Chinese Movie - 2017
(2017-BvsS2) Movie - iQIYI - eng sub [Time: 1h 31min]
8. Bunshinsaba Vs. Sadako
Chinese Movie - 2016
(2016-BvsS1) Movie - Youtube - RAW [Time: 1h 20min]
9. The Life and Death of Pen Fairy
Chinese Movie - 2016
(2016-L&D1) Movie - iQIYI - RAW [Time: 1h 12min]
10. When Pen Ghost Meets Plate Ghost
Chinese Movie - 2016
(2016) Movie
11. Bloody House
Chinese Movie - 2016
(2016) Movie - Youtube - RAW [Time: 1h 30min]
12. Bi Xian Returns
Chinese Movie - 2015
(2015) Movie - Youtube - RAW [Time: 1h 1min]
13. Campus Mystery
Chinese Movie - 2015
(2015-DIH4) Movie
14. Bunshinsaba 3
Chinese Movie - 2014
(2014-B3) Movie
15. Death Is Here 3
Chinese Movie - 2014
(2014-DIH3) Movie
16. The Supernatural Events on Campus
Chinese Movie - 2013
(2013-DIH2) Movie
17. Bunshinsaba 2
Chinese Movie - 2013
(2013-B2) Movie
18. Bunshinsaba
Chinese Movie - 2012
(2012-B1) Movie
19. Death Is Here
Chinese Movie - 2012
(2012-DIH1) Movie
20. Bunshinsaba
Korean Movie - 2004
(2004) Movie
21. Wo Shi Bi Xian 2
Chinese Drama - 2020, 25 episodes
(2020-PF2) Drama - Youtube - RAW (both seasons) [Total Time: 2h 30min]
22. Wo Shi Bi Xian
Chinese Drama - 2020, 25 episodes
(2020-PF1) Drama - Youtube - RAW (both seasons) [Total Time: 2h 30min]