watchlist 2023
1. O Palhaço Coroado
Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
Finished: 17/1/2023
Plot: 9/10
Acting: 10/10
Music: 7/10
Production: 10/10
2. Trabalhar Depois, Beber Agora 2
Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
Finished: 23/1/2023
Plot: 8/10
Acting: 9/10
Music: 9/10
Production: 10/10
3. O Casamento Proibido
Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes
Finished: 3/2/2023
Plot: 6/10
Acting: 7/10
Music: 5/10
Production: 6/10
4. Algum Dia ou Um Dia
Taiwanese Drama - 2019, 13 episodes
Finished: 8/2/2023
Plot: 8/10
Acting: 8/10
Music: 8/10
Production: 7.5/10
5. Meu Lindo Homem 2
Japanese Drama - 2023, 4 episodes
Finished: 2/3/2023
Plot: 7/10
Acting: 6.5/10
Production: 7/10
6. BTS: Bon Voyage
Korean TV Show - 2016, 8 episodes
Finished: 2023
Production: 6/10
7. BTS: Bon Voyage 2
Korean TV Show - 2017, 8 episodes
Finished: 9/3/2023
Production: 8/10
8. Intensivão de Amor
Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
Finished: 9/3/2023
Plot: 9/10
Acting: 10/10
Music: 8/10
Production: 10/10
9. O Oitavo Sentido
Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
Finished: 27/4/2023
Plot: 8/10
Acting: 8.5/10
Music: 9/10
Production: 8/10
10. Até o Fim da Lua
Chinese Drama - 2023, 40 episodes
Finished: 18/5/2023
Plot: 8.5/10
Acting: 9/10
Music: 8/10
Production: 9/10
11. A vingança da criada
Chinese Drama - 2022, 30 episodes
Finished: 2/6/2023
Plot: 6/10
Acting: 6/10
Music: ?!/10
Production: 4/10
12. A Cozinha do Jinny
Korean TV Show - 2023, 11 episodes
Finished: 3/6/2023
Music: 10/10
Production: 9/10
13. Meu Estranho Marido
Chinese Drama - 2023, 22 episodes
Finished: 4/6/2023
Plot: 4/10
Acting: 4/10
Music: 0/10
Production: 5/10
14. BTS: Bon Voyage 3
Korean TV Show - 2018, 8 episodes
Finished: 4/6/2023
Production: 9/10
15. Circle of Love
Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes
Finished: 7/6/2023
Plot: 5/10
Acting: 6/10
Music: ?!/10
Production: 4/10
16. My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday
Chinese Movie - 2023
Finished: 14/6/2023
Plot: 8.5/10
Acting: 9/10
Music: 9/10
Production: 9.5/10
17. Vejo Você na Próxima Vida
Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
Finished: 27/7/2023
Plot: 7/10
Acting: 8/10
Music: 6/10
Production: 9/10
18. Mask Girl
Korean Drama - 2023, 7 episodes
Finished: 24/8/2023
Plot: 7/10
Acting: 10/10
Music: 8/10
Production: 10/10
19. Alma Gêmea
Korean Movie - 2023
Finished: 1/9/2023
Plot: 10/10
Acting: 10/10
Music: 9/10
Production: 10/10
20. Soul Mate
Chinese Movie - 2016
Finished: 2/9/2023
Plot: 10/10
Acting: 10/10
Music: 9/10
Production: 9/10
21. My Dearest
Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
Finished: 6/9/2023
Plot: 8/10
Acting: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Production: 10/10
22. Love Catcher 2022
Korean TV Show - 2022, 8 episodes
Finished: 17/9/2023
Plot: 7/10
Production: 8/10
23. BTS: Bon Voyage 4
Korean TV Show - 2019, 8 episodes
Finished: 25/9/2023
Production: 10/10
24. Love Catcher 2
Korean TV Show - 2019, 8 episodes
Finished: 26/9/2023
Plot: 5/10
Production: 5.5/10
25. BTS in the SOOP
Korean TV Show - 2020, 8 episodes
Finished: 10/10/2023
Production: 10/10
26. Meu Casamento Feliz
Japanese Movie - 2023
Finished: 18/10/2023
Plot: 8/10
Acting: 8/10
Music: 8/10
Production: 9/10
27. Dr. Romântico
Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes
Finished: 22/10/2023
Plot: 9/10
Acting: 9.5/10
Music: 8/10
Production: 9/10
28. Romantic Doctor: APPENDIX, The Beginning of Everything
Korean Special - 2017, 1 episode
Finished: 23/10/2023
Plot: 9/10
Acting: 9.5/10
Music: 8/10
Production: 9/10
29. BTS in the SOOP Temporada 2
Korean TV Show - 2021, 5 episodes
Finished: 23/10/2023
Production: 10/10
30. Nosso Destino
Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
Finished: 2/11/2023
Plot: 6/10
Acting: 9/10
Music: 5/10
Production: 7/10
31. Doutor Romântico, Professor Kim 2
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
Finished: 7/11/2023
Plot: 9/10
Acting: 9/10
Music: 8/10
Production: 9.5/10
32. Doutor Romântico, Professor Kim 3
Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes
Finished: 25/11/2023
Plot: 8/10
Acting: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Production: 10/10
33. Noiva por Vingança
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
Finished: 27/11/2023
Plot: 7/10
Acting: 8/10
Music: 6/10
Production: 7/10
34. Butterflied Love
Chinese Drama - 2023, 22 episodes
Finished: 28/11/2023
Plot: 7/10
Acting: 7/10
Music: 5/10
Production: 5/10
35. A Vingança do Casamento Perfeito
Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
Finished: 13/12/2023
Plot: 9/10
Acting: 8/10
Music: 5/10
Production: 6/10
36. Lua no Dia
Korean Drama - 2023, 14 episodes
Finished: 16/12/2023
Plot: 6/10
Acting: 6/10
Music: 5/10
Production: 5/10
37. O Tempo Traz Você pra Mim
Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes
Finished: 19/12/2023
Plot: 8/10
Acting: 8/10
Music: 8/10
Production: 9/10