Which is the best first meet between FL & ML ?

LuckyGirlGwenIce Abr 29, 2023

Which is the best first meet between FL & ML ?

Scenes when leads meet for the first time, which you like best - minor spoilers

0 candidates
Played 99 times Like K-Drama Report


  • 1
    Accidentally entered a prison with the most wanted criminal, kissed and swapped souls with them
    Accidentally entered a prison with the most wanted criminal, kissed and swapped souls with them
    Amor entre Fada e Demônio
    42 votes
  • 2
    Stuck on a tree after flying into enemy territory on a parachute by accident
    Stuck on a tree after flying into enemy territory on a parachute by accident
    Pousando no Amor
    30 votes
  • 3
    Finding a mermaid thief during vacation
    Finding a mermaid thief during vacation
    A Lenda do Mar Azul
    8 votes
  • 4
    Getting treated by a doctor mid-flight, after eating wine and pills together
    Getting treated by a doctor mid-flight, after eating wine and pills together
    Oh, Minha Vênus
    7 votes
  • 5
    Getting invited by them to meet your celebrity crush
    Getting invited by them to meet your celebrity crush
    Jardim Secreto
    6 votes
  • 6
    Mistaking an alien for a stalker in the elevator
    Mistaking an alien for a stalker in the elevator
    Meu Amor das Estrelas
    6 votes

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