Need help trying to find a show I watched as a kid. I was pretty young when I watched it, but certain scenes still stay with me. I would love to be able to find it so I can watch it in its entirety.

Scenes I remember:
* A monk (known henceforth as Reluctant Monk) is forced to read a book against his will by bandits(?) and he    accidently memorizes the book while they hold him. He starts beating up the bandits with the knowledge he just acquired from the book. While he's beating them  up he keeps seeing flashes of the pages and apologizing to Buddha(?) for reading the  book.
(even though he was forced)

* An old man battles another younger man. The old man had super long eyebrows and I think he was                        even called "Eyebrows". The younger mans shoots him with sort sort of energy ring and declares the old man just had his bones destroyed and leaves him to die.

* Pretty sure their are at least two women who were both leads and I think rivals. At least one lived in some          sort of Palace in the clouds, could have been in the sky or maybe on top of a mountain and I think they had to      fly to get there.

* Reluctant Monk finds some dude in a cave who decides to impart his power onto the monk. The monk                 protested and didn't want the power but the Cave Dude made him float over to him and turn upside-down.       When the top of their heads touched Cave Dude transferred all of his energy to Reluctant Monk.

* During what I think is the final battle the two women are fighting each other and Reluctant Monk gets                in-between them. They are all standing in a line with their palms touching and the monk in the middle. The        girls begin draining his energy when he remembers what he learned from Cave Dude and turns upside-down which causes him to start absorbing energy from both of the women instead.

* The Big Bad shows up and the two women and Reluctant Monk join forces, which is basically just the women    fighting because the monk doesn't know how to use his powers. One of the woman tells him to push his hands down and then lift them. When he lifts them he is surprised that he is trying to lift a massive energy ball that he can barely lift due to the amount of energy he has absorbed from everyone and put into it. He manages to            finally lift it and throw it.

That's all I can remember and I watched this show either late 80's or early 90's with subtitles.

Is the show you're looking for "The Legend of the Condor Heroes (1983)"?

I don't think so. I remember it had more special effects like lasers and things like that. The two biggest things I remember are the guy forced to read a book and becoming proficient instantly and the energy "vampire" technique he learns where he floats upside-down to take energy.

Can you be a bit more specific? Was it an Asian show or an American show?

Is it "Kung Fu: The Legend Continues"? (This is an American show)

Oh my bad. 

Def Asian. Subtitled. Wuxia or probably Xianxia.

I was probably around 10, so I watched it in 1993-94 ish. Satellite TV so we had all sorts of weird channels. 

So is this not the one you're looking for? "Kung Fu: The Legend Continues"?

BTW, I've been using an AI to help track down what show you're talking about. The AI keeps pointing to "Kung Fu: The Legend Continues".

This is what the AI said:

Based on your description, the show you are looking for is "Kung Fu: The Legend Continues". It is an American television series that aired on NBC from 1993 to 1997

Caine is captured by a group of bandits who believe that he is the reincarnation of a dangerous warlord. The bandits force Caine to read a book that contains the secrets of an ancient energy vampire technique. Caine is initially reluctant to read the book, but he eventually agrees in order to protect himself from the bandits.

As Caine reads the book, he begins to learn the secrets of the energy vampire technique. He also begins to develop the ability to float upside down, which is a necessary part of the technique.

After Caine has finished reading the book, he is released by the bandits. He then uses the energy vampire technique to defeat the bandits and escape.

The old man with the super long eyebrows is Master Po, a powerful Shaolin monk who is Caine's teacher. He is often referred to as "Eyebrows" because of his distinctive facial feature.

The two women you describe are Pei-Ling and Mei-Chen. Pei-Ling is a Shaolin nun who is Caine's love interest. Mei-Chen is a powerful witch who is one of the show's main antagonists.

The cave dude you describe is Master Chen, another powerful Shaolin monk. He is the one who transfers his power to Caine in the final battle.

In the final battle, Caine is able to defeat the Big Bad by using the energy vampire technique to absorb energy from Pei-Ling and Mei-Chen. He then uses this energy to create a massive energy ball that he throws at the Big Bad, defeating him.

The AI says that, but I can't find a single scene from that show that collaborates this. I remember that show too. I don't remember it having any magic in it at all. 

Hmm. Yeah, I can't seem to find the show. If you want to try to use the AI, just search up "bard google" on Google. You will find the AI. Just tell the AI you're looking for a show and describe what the show is about.

Thanks man! I appreciate it all the help so far!

I need to find the movie name 

Hey I watched a movie, I was really young, so i don't remember the name and no matter how much i tried finding it on internet, I failed.

It was about a chinese origin girl (i believe) living in America or some english speaking country with her mother, she's a schooler. Then her mother leaves her with her uncle, likely a relative, for a few days because of some work. The girl has a boyfriend or someone she likes, with whom she has to go on a prom night or date. She tells this to her uncle (who is actually a karate or kung fu master), he tells that he'll teach her how to dance, to begin with he teaches some steps which don't actually look like dance steps but karate steps...  few days later when she has her dance night, she starts doing what her uncle taught her (karate looking steps) then the actual dance steps...

Ps : it looked like the boy and the girl weren't from same school, one time the girl calls him in school later someone asks him that whom he was talking to, to which he says his mother. Apparently, the boy was bullied or made fun of in that school. From what I remember the boy was wearing a grey track suit.

I was around 5 or 7 years old at that time, that means this movie was released before 2007 /8 and might have been a collaboration movie.