I don't know really how to ask this without sounding judgmental, please know that that is not where I'm coming from.  I am watching Fireworks of My Heart and the mother in the story rules the home, rules her adult childrens lives and I'm wondering if this is real life.  Thank you.

We live in a patriarchal world where matriarchy can hardly exist. There are some states where matriarchy is considered, but their count is negligible.

Yes, in Asian countries the mother rules the house and her children too. Because the father has given the responsibility of taking care of the house and taking care of the family to the woman of the house. But major decisions are taken by men only. Perhaps it happens in such a house where the woman rules completely and the man does nothing as shown in the drama. In Asian countries, joint families live together for generations, so everyone's consent is necessary on decisions related to any member of the household. This is seen only in Muslim and Hindu population countries. Where the family is given more importance than the individual.

If you go to the west, a person does not need anyone's permission to choose his life partner, but if you go to the east, you need someone's consent even to choose your clothes. In the same way, if you are an adult, you live separately from your parents, in western countries, but in eastern countries, even if you are an adult, earn, have a family, still you live with your joint family.

Thank you so much for that explanation.