FL ends up with SML ~ but is that a trope?  i know it's something i've wished for while watching some dramas.  lol

tripping and falling into a kiss -or- underwater giving the other air kissing?

underwater giving the other air kissing

ml/fl getting sick with a terminal illness gradually, or right at the end?


leads can't stand each other but over time fall for each other -or- secret crush for years but never knew

leads cant stand each other

lead is in love with the other leads friend for some time OR the lead is in love with their own best friend first

lead is in love with the other leads friend for some time  

enemies to lovers or childhood connections

enemies to lovers

open ambiguous ending  -or-  abrupt happy ending

open ambiguous ending

disapproving parent or disapproving friend

disapproving friend

damsel in distress  -or-  strong female lead

strong female lead

contract marriage to please others (example, dying grandparent), or contract marriage to gain some sort of advantage (ex. job requirement)

 contract marriage to gain some sort of advantage

Misfit Loner or Cheery Popular main character

misfit loner

ml always saving fl or fl strong on their own

FL strong on their own

Love triangle or star-crossed lovers?

star-crossed lovers

older woman/younger guy  -or-  rich man/pauper girl

rich man / pauper (don't think I've seen many paupers in dramas)

time travel where a lead character goes back in time, or where a lead character goes forward in time

(don't think I've seen many paupers in dramas)

not like homeless pauper.  usually just where they have to work multiple jobs to get by, etc.

time travel back in time (can only think of one example of time travel forward.  then it just becomes a modern drama.  lol)

memory loss  -or-  terminal illness