me too

im the type that wishes they can be someone else

It depends, a lot of the time I do, but I just improve myself if I feel like that.

I'm the type that has a big dream

Me too

Im the type who likes to shower everyday

Me too...ewww, if you don't

I'm the type to use unscented products like soap, shampoo, detergent, lotion etc

me too (a year ago i went on this phase on collecting every scent of this one brand for no particular reason.. i still am going through and using all those now ahahah)

im the type to hate being in public

You mean being near other people in a public setting?  Not me.

I'm the type who doesn't have an air conditioner.

not me

im the type who loves winter

Yeeeesss, me too (It was my favourite season for the longest time, now I'm not sure, but it's still definitely one of my favourites)

I'm the type who has contacts (I'm getting them tomorrow!!)

me too

i’m the type to make ramen in the middle of the night 

Not me

I'm the type to eat dessert after eating

Not me

I'm the type that prefers tea over coffee

Not me (I love coffee) 

I'm the type who likes math

Me too 

I'm the type who hates history


Me too...ewww, if you don't

I'm the type to use unscented products like soap, shampoo, detergent, lotion etc

some people on here replied no so i guess there are some smelly ones on here hahahahaha

 Record the Moment:

Me too 

I'm the type who hates history

Not me

Im the type who likes to make friends