Me too

I'm the type that's into folklore

not me

Im the tpye that likes to go swimming

Me too

I'm the type who needs coffee in the morning

not me

im the type that likes to message people instead of calling them

So me too lol

I’m the type to dance/sing in the shower

Me too

(But I'm also) The type that's afraid to sing/dance in front of people

me too

Im the type who likes to get on time

me too

im the type to stress eat

Not me

Im the type who likes to spend time with family 

Me too

I'm the type who doesn't like an unnecessary sequel.

Me too

I'm the type that loves elephants

me too

Im the type that likes to eat spicy food

me too

im the type to keep unnecessary things

Oh definitely lol

I'm the type that has a big sweet tooth!

Me too

I'm type to like visiting museums