
The links should work again.

The links to the challenges are working, but I saw that the links from the challenge itself do not work. So when I try to find my or any other specific post in the challenge I have to search manually by going through each page of the past challenges. Is it possible to revive those links as well? 

Block 10, Plant Agriculture - Do drug-producing plants being cultivated in a big field by drug dealers count as agriculture?

Edited to add - Do plants being pressed by a pestle and ground inside a mortar, count as "Pressed Plant"?

For the Monsoon badge, if I use a variety show with multiple seasons and one season has 99 episodes, is it enough to watch one episode of another season to reach 100 or do I need to watch two entire seasons? 


For the Monsoon badge, if I use a variety show with multiple seasons and one season has 99 episodes, is it enough to watch one episode of another season to reach 100 or do I need to watch two entire seasons? 

One more question: Does Crystal Liu qualify as Veteran actress? Her first role was in 2003 which would be 21 years ago and not the required 25 years. In 1997 she began modeling and training in singing and dancing, but I'm not sure if this counts as being 'active in the industry'. ^^


If they used petals to decorate plates, then those flowers are probably edible. Please include a short description of the scene in notes. If you know which flowers they used you can look up if they are edible. I’m pretty sure that Drinks are also considered food. So I would say yes to flowers in drinks.

Flower boy/girl is according to a dictionary the following:

  1. a woman or girl who sells flowers, especially in the street.
  2. a young girl who carries flowers or scatters them in front of the bride at a wedding.

So I would think that is acceptable.

Plant agriculture , yes orchards count. Any plant or part thereof so that includes drugs.

I believe for pressed plants we’re looking for pressed between paper.


The links to the challenges are working, but I saw that the links from the challenge itself do not work. So when I try to find my or any other specific post in the challenge I have to search manually by going through each page of the past challenges. Is it possible to revive those links as well? 

I’m not sure why some of the links don’t work, it could be a server issue. You can create a ticket in support and ask/request for the links to be fixed.

I’m asking the others for the Monsoon badge question, will add a reply for that question later.

A veteran is someone who has been involved in their particular activity for a long time. I’m not sure if we specified a certain number of years for veteran. So will ask the others.


I’m not sure why some of the links don’t work, it could be a server issue. You can create a ticket in support and ask/request for the links to be fixed.

I’m asking the others for the Monsoon badge question, will add a reply for that question later.

A veteran is someone who has been involved in their particular activity for a long time. I’m not sure if we specified a certain number of years for veteran. So will ask the others.

Thank you, Rien! <3 

The requirements for veteran actors/actresses are specified like this in the custom list: 

"Veteran Actors and Actresses either above the age of 65 or has been in the business for more than 25 years" 

List: https://mydramalist.com/list/1xrxjyd3

I also wanted to ask about the badge Annual Flower. Do we need to watch titles from 2010-2020 or can we also use 2014-2024 or any other 10 consecutive years? And is it necessary to have all titles within round 1 or can we use titles from round 1 and round 2, as long as we watched titles from 10 consecutive years in the entire challenge? 


Monsoon badge, 100 episodes, so you can watch 99 episodes from one season and 1 episode from the next season, so the total needs to be 100.

For the veteran the first title must be from 1999 (25 years ago) and they should still be active in acting. You can always try and check other cast members from a title.



Monsoon badge, 100 episodes, so you can watch 99 episodes from one season and 1 episode from the next season, so the total needs to be 100.

For the veteran the first title must be from 1999 (25 years ago) and they should still be active in acting. You can always try and check other cast members from a title.

Thank you, Rien! <3 

I just noticed a little problem. The MDL Watch Challenge encourages us to add tags for titles and like usual I did that through the most logical way by using the Vote or add tags button. Now I received a DM saying my edit was rejected (once again, it's quite the norm sadly) because there was no proof. I watched the title (Some More), I can testify it has Summer Setting, but I was told I need to use the "Edit page" variant. I don't really want to edit drama pages anymore since 99% of my latest edits got rejected for all kind of reasons or took over 2 weeks to be accepted. 

With all due respect, it is a bit over complicating things when we are encouraged to add tags but when we try to do so, we get rejected and asked to take a detour. Not to mention that the staff is already terribly understaffed (as they told me) but when we add tags we only add to their workload. Wouldn't it be easier to make custom lists for Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall settings in dramas? I've seen that a lot of titles are not tagged even though they qualify for those tags. With lists it might be easier for other participants to find them and add other titles. 

Just thought I mention this here. ^.^ 

I just noticed a little problem. The MDL Watch Challenge encourages us to add tags for titles and like usual I did that through the most logical way by using the Vote or add tags button. Now I received a DM saying my edit was rejected (once again, it's quite the norm sadly) because there was no proof. I watched the title (Some More), I can testify it has Summer Setting, but I was told I need to use the "Edit page" variant. I don't really want to edit drama pages anymore since 99% of my latest edits got rejected for all kind of reasons or took over 2 weeks to be accepted.

To add tags, go to "edit this page" and then "genres"
It is only through this route that you can get that text box where you can explain why youre adding the tag. For instance, for "Summer Setting" you might use that text box to say "it takes place during summer school" or "theyre celebrating [summer holiday]" or "the text on the screen identified it as taking place in June" etc etc.

But if you truly dont want to deal with the process of editing pages, we understand. Just put the explanation for why youre using that title for that prompt in the notes column of the challenge.

Or you can reach out to someone who you know is comfortable with editing pages.

With all due respect, it is a bit over complicating things when we are encouraged to add tags but when we try to do so, we get rejected and asked to take a detour. Not to mention that the staff is already terribly understaffed (as they told me) but when we add tags we only add to their workload. Wouldn't it be easier to make custom lists for Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall settings in dramas? I've seen that a lot of titles are not tagged even though they qualify for those tags. With lists it might be easier for other participants to find them and add other titles.

The idea is to get people to add to these tags since they are under-utilized on the contributors' side. Part of the idea behind the MDL Challenge is to bring awareness to the different sides and features of the MDL site. But i'll definitely bring this up with fellow staff members. Thank you for your suggestion and reasoning.

I also wanted to ask about the badge Annual Flower. Do we need to watch titles from 2010-2020 or can we also use 2014-2024 or any other 10 consecutive years?

Any 10 consecutive years.

And is it necessary to have all titles within round 1 or can we use titles from round 1 and round 2, as long as we watched titles from 10 consecutive years in the entire challenge? 

We go by final counts. So yea, you can use titles from multiple rounds.



If they used petals to decorate plates, then those flowers are probably edible. Please include a short description of the scene in notes. If you know which flowers they used you can look up if they are edible. I’m pretty sure that Drinks are also considered food. So I would say yes to flowers in drinks.

Flower boy/girl is according to a dictionary the following:

  1. a woman or girl who sells flowers, especially in the street.
  2. a young girl who carries flowers or scatters them in front of the bride at a wedding.

So I would think that is acceptable.

Plant agriculture , yes orchards count. Any plant or part thereof so that includes drugs.

I believe for pressed plants we’re looking for pressed between paper.

Thank you, @Rien. 

Re. flowers in food - that scene I was talking about in the earlier question where there was a flower on the side of a food dish (inside it but on the side; it was a salad if I remember correctly)  and another dish where there was a flower in the center of the food - those scenes were short, someone was carrying those dishes and walking.  The flowers were visible but not visible long enough to identify. If I do end up  using it, then I'll mention it in the Notes. 

Re. Pressed Plant - In six months of watching, I haven't spotted a single one and I've watched a lot. I've sometimes seen some leaves and flowers inside frames on walls, but I can never tell if those are the pressed kind or just a print or painting.  I also saw a scene just yesterday where the FL feeds a horse some hay and it munches it slowly. And desperate me immediately thought, hay = plant, chewing = pressed between teeth (kinda, sorta, :-)). That's why I was wondering if I could maybe stretch the definition of this particular prompt - ?

Same with the Botanist prompt. Again, coming up with a blank here. Traditional Medicine doctors who go into forests to pick plants to cure the ill, they do need to have an extensive knowledge of plants to be able to do this. Can they be counted as Botanists? 

But if you truly dont want to deal with the process of editing pages, we understand. Just put the explanation for why youre using that title for that prompt in the notes column of the challenge.

It's not that I don't want to, but my edits got rejected so often, that I don't really know why I should keep editing when the outcome is foreseeable. Either someone was faster and staff just didn't check it yet or my proof is not accepted for some unknown reason. If my edits keep getting rejected like this, I might even get blocked from editing so what's the point? I understand the reasoning behind it and I really want to contribute, but it's unnecessarily hard to do so. That's why I thought lists would be more helpful for the challenge. Of course it's entirely up to the organizers of the challenge. :)

Thank you for answering my questions. <3

The ex returns links don't work. Are those tags or lists?

If a fl was interested in a man but they weren't officially dating. He pretended to show interest in her and at a later date he decides he wants to be with her does it count as ex-boyfriend returns?

For the insects, does a mention of a bee, Wasp or bugs count but we aren't actually shown them?

While being chased by gunmen, a girl hides in a field of tall grasses. Does this count as "Plant in a crime"? Or "Spot someone hiding behind a tree or a bush"?

An Idol goes on mandatory military service. On the commander's orders, who dislikes him for some reason, the idol is sent on hard counter-terrorism training instead of being given a soft PR job. Idol keeps complaining about this. Does this count as "Bullying"?  Or does it fall under "Discrimination"?

Like @ColourMePurple  above, I have a similar question. A guy (ML) moves to a new job in a new town and meets his new colleague who used to be his classmate/friend who'd chased him relentlessly in college but without success. She's very bitter about that and now both loves and hates him. She is not the FL or SFL. Does this count as ex-BF or ex-GF returns?

In the same drama as in my above question, a male friend/long time colleague of ML's tells FL that ML's a single-minded workaholic who has no time for feelings or women. FL is surprised since ML has been paying her a lot of attention. ML hasn't exactly said it in words, but with this context, does it count as "First Love"?

Two men kissing in a water-filled bathtub, both clearly shirtless, nothing else is shown and the whole thing is kind of hazy, a camera filter I'd guess. Lasts less than a minute. Does this count as "Nudity"?

In a drama, FL is a TV/movie actress and ML is a production assistant I think. So there's lots of shooting always going on as the leads go about their work. We, as viewers, get to see all that happens behind the camera, with the actors preparing for the shoot, rehearsing, the crew setting up etc. + In another drama, the FL is the host of a Home shopping TV program. Again, we as viewers get to see a lot of what happens behind the camera. Do these count as "Behind the Scenes"?