
Yes. Sayings can also count. In fact, going back to your Secret Garden question - there's a few sayings that involve "secret garden" that you could in theory count as long as you provide the saying/definition that you are pulling from.

Ah I see. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Another question that I got while thinking about this: 

A palace garden wouldn't count as "Plant farm/garden/agriculture", right? 

So, if i'm understanding this correctly, going to see the cherry blossoms with friends or family is what Japan and Korea count as their flower festival. But maybe not a casual seeing of a cherry blossom tree while they are alone? And it has to be an intentional walk to see the trees?

Yes, it's intentional and it's a festive tradition. It's not a casual situation where you are in a park to have lunch and watch a cherry blossom tree for example. 

I guess, if a drama mentions the ML has been attending a plum blossom festival (literally said this in the subs) it could also count for Flower Festival, right? 

Also a general thing: I worry a bit if it's enough if I can state that I saw a prompt somewhere in a drama but not state the specific episode or even time stamp. I always take a screenshot but sometimes I forget to note the episode. ^^'

A palace garden wouldn't count as "Plant farm/garden/agriculture", right?


Typically not, as agriculture farms and gardens are for production rather than aesthetic.

I guess, if a drama mentions the ML has been attending a plum blossom festival (literally said this in the subs) it could also count for Flower Festival, right?

For this one, we specified in the corresponding custom list that a scene needs to take place at a flower festival. 

Also a general thing: I worry a bit if it's enough if I can state that I saw a prompt somewhere in a drama but not state the specific episode or even time stamp. I always take a screenshot but sometimes I forget to note the episode. ^^'

If you can provide a bit of context without a timestamp or episode, that would be helpful. So, maybe something like "Character A put on perfume before her first date with Character B." But again, we staff members do not fact check everything, just be aware that we might or other challengers might. 

If you can provide a bit of context without a timestamp or episode, that would be helpful. So, maybe something like "Character A put on perfume before her first date with Character B." But again, we staff members do not fact check everything, just be aware that we might or other challengers might. 

I'll pay more attention from now on and take notes when watching. ^^ 

Sorry, one more question from previous page: 

A question for the Poisonous plant/Plant in a crime prompts.

I watched a drama where Nux Vomica (poison nut) was used as poison to kill people. Is it enough to know the poison was made with this plant and see a small bottle of the poison or do we need to actually see the poisonous plant?

From the Sowing Seeds Block:

Child Actors and or Former Child Actors 

Does it have to be just "Actors" or Actresses is ok as well? I got confused as this one only says actors and then on other prompt it does specify "idol Actor / idol Actress" but then the main instruction is "Watch a title where one of the lead actors is a…" so... I'm confused.

 Ara 99:
Does it have to be just "Actors" or Actresses is ok as well? I got confused as this one only says actors and then on other prompt it does specify "idol Actor / idol Actress" but then the main instruction is "Watch a title where one of the lead actors is a…" so... I'm confused.

Apologies for the confusion. People of all genders who acted count.
The other one is split up because there are MDL tags for those, and the tags are split up.

If I happen to see a life-size star trooper figure from Star Wars in a Drama scene that takes place in a cinema, is that a reference to another title or do they need to mention it? ?

Alternatively, if I recognize the movie that played in the cinema scene, can I use that for the prompt "A title mentioned / referenced in another title or that mentions / references another title"?

I watched a drama where Nux Vomica (poison nut) was used as poison to kill people. Is it enough to know the poison was made with this plant and see a small bottle of the poison or do we need to actually see the poisonous plant?

If a plant is involved in a crime or used as a poison, that counts even if the plant itself was not seen. It kind of goes with what was said above about being spotted in the dialogue/subtitles.  


Can someone please help me with step 7 and further.

You mark everything to copy it and paste it into the challenge thread. :)


How do I mark it?

it means you mark the text the same way you do when copy things. if you are at the computer you just click on the mouse and hold it and drag the pointer over the text, or you press the right mouse button and choose "mark everything" and press ctlr and v. and if youre on the phone, you just press with your finger on the text ^^ its just the same way how you copied the text before in step 1 and 4. xd


If I happen to see a life-size star trooper figure from Star Wars in a Drama scene that takes place in a cinema, is that a reference to another title or do they need to mention it? ?

Alternatively, if I recognize the movie that played in the cinema scene, can I use that for the prompt "A title mentioned / referenced in another title or that mentions / references another title"?

Seeing an image/item/scene from another title does count as a reference. HOWEVER, the referenced title also needs to be an MDL one (so a Star Wars figure wouldn't work, but perhaps an older Godzilla figure would)


Seeing an image/item/scene from another title does count as a reference. HOWEVER, the referenced title also needs to be an MDL one (so a Star Wars figure wouldn't work, but perhaps an older Godzilla figure would)

Haha, too bad. I've recognized Star Wars and a Disney movie. xD There are some posters as well in the scene but I can't tell if they are taken from real movies or fake ones. 

Haha, too bad. I've recognized Star Wars and a Disney movie. xD There are some posters as well in the scene but I can't tell if they are taken from real movies or fake ones. 

In the custom list for that prompt, I actually have an ongoing custom list of my own linked. Perhaps something there might catch your eye?


In the custom list for that prompt, I actually have an ongoing custom list of my own linked. Perhaps something there might catch your eye?

That list was so useful, thank you so much! I saw a couple titles on the list I wanted to watch and even found a new title with actress Qi Xia Xia, which I discovered this year. The reference is one of my favorite movies, so I have to watch it. :) 

 MDL Watch Challenge 2024:

1. copy the code pasted on to this document linked below:

2. Go to your own  Settings 

3. Switch to code mode (right corner of tool bar looks like this 

4. Paste the code you just copied at the top 

5. Switch back to viewing mode (same icon) 

6. Look it should have appeared like magic ... 

7. Mark the application make sure you have some type of letters in the beginning and end of the section you have marked. 

8. Go to your application post 

9. Paste

10. Did the format follow? 



Hello, I'm sorry to bother but I'm a bit confused. So I have to go to settings and switch to code mode in my profile right? I did that and copied the code there, but I don't know how to proceed from here :') what do  you mean by mark the application? I tried switching back to viewing mode and copy pasting that in my application post but it didn't work. 


Hello, I'm sorry to bother but I'm a bit confused. So I have to go to settings and switch to code mode in my profile right? I did that and copied the code there, but I don't know how to proceed from here :') what do  you mean by mark the application? I tried switching back to viewing mode and copy pasting that in my application post but it didn't work. 

what exactly didnt work? you have to copy the code, switch back to viewing mode, copy the table and put it in the post for the challenge (: if you could explain in detail what wont work, maybe i can help you