I play music very loudly until u have to cover ur ears & while u cover ur ears i'll steal the cookie... 


I read aloud to you a tale, fairytale, endless tale, outrageously interesting tale and you watch me with your eyes really open and I forget the cookie and you forget the cookie and aeonee comes and steal the cookie.


Instead of stealing, you let her steal. Can't even call this cheating. Guess overplanning would be more accurate.

There's this children's game with a string called cat's cradle. I'll tell you that we should play it.

I'll set up the string in your hand and I'll pretend to take the string but instead, I'll take the cookie and run.

I take the red string, turn it into a lasso and lasso your legs together as you're running away......I take the cookie and fly away


When you arrive at your place, I'll grab my invisibility cloak and reach there as well. I'll ring your doorbell. You'll open the door and I'll sneak it. Grab the cookie and escape through the window.

I am that hacker. Who helped her with tracking that cookie. So obviously I betrayed her. And steal cookie. And removed that chip.

Its so funny. While reading I was laughing so hard.


Its so funny. While reading I was laughing so hard.

You were laughing so hard that you started to tear up. While looking for a tissue to wipe your eyes, I swipe the cookie from under your nose.

P.S Thanks for locating it for me. :P


You were laughing so hard that you started to tear up. While looking for a tissue to wipe your eyes, I swipe the cookie from under your nose.

P.S Thanks for locating it for me. :P

Do you know I have super power of teleporting. Which I kept secret from all of you to use it at such time. I teleported in front of your face. And you who was running with stolen cookie and got frightened. cookie slipped from your hand. Which I caught.

haha. Lucky for me, I knew some witches from Charmed who know how to do a tracking spell. I reach your location and use 'Stupefy' and extract the cookie from your possession. :D




Thanks to aeonee invitation. I joined this game. And I met her here. But I am going to betray her once again. #ForCookie.

 I am kneeling then stands up. My head hits her on jaw. She is over me. (Her comment is above me). So it's possible. Her nose is bleeding due to impacts. And she drops cookie. Which I picks and then run.

I can't betray her again. (Just in case if she kills me.) If I want cookie. I will let someone other steal cookie. Then steal from them.

Kneeling again. But this time asking for forgiveness. 

But it was not my fault. Why does cookie have to be round and so sweet. I can't let it be in others hand. Cookie should be mine only mine. 

With this determination I stand up slowly. My head is bleeding. Because you smashed it on floor. And did you forget again I had teleportation power. I pick it from ground where you put it to beat me. And teleported out of your reach.

I woke up. And realised everything was dream. In reality magic doesn't exist. And I didn't have any magic power. Just to confirm I opened my secret locker. Cookie was there. Which I got by betraying aoenee. (First betrayal) (second betrayal was obviously dream because of regret).

I took sigh of relief. Then locked it again with strongest password ever existed. And to not forget my password I added hint. Hint is x-4=6.

I'll come to your home with a sweet bird in a cage and while you are distracted with it making sure it has fresh food and water, I'll swipe the cookie.