credits to: Bladey     

So, here it is, I found it many years ago on some other forums. I was wondering whether that could work here.
It's a bit like word association, only the more you use your imagination, the better and funnier the results can be.

Imagine you have a soda vending machine. It's magical. Insert something, anything, small, big, anything you fancy into it and you will get something in return! Whatever you insert into the pop machine, you get something somewhat related but weird.
e.x. 1

"inserts bottle," I might get something back like a pop tab, a bottle cap, a Coke can..

The key is to use your imagination.

e.x. 2
*inserts quarter*
You get a note saying that the machine does not accept currency.

e.x 3

*inserts torn shirt*
You get Hulk

Let me start.

*Inserts MDL forum*

You get Spam!

inserts CD

you get music

insert cake

you get sausage

insert remote

you get tv

insert   moon

you get moonshine ;)

insert pencil

you get Art

insert ticket

you get coffee 

insert candles

you get date

insert apple

you get iPhone

insert ballon

you get balloon flight

insert feather

you get chicken yummy

insert grapes

you get raisins

insert leaf