6.  Taken from https://www.worlddata.info/oceania/solomon-islands/cyclones.php

Cyclones on the Solomon Islands

Cyclones only occur occasionally on the Solomon Islands. On average, they happen about 4 times a year. However, cyclones often do not make landfall on the Solomon Islands, but turn southward beforehand. The remnants then cause gusts of wind and rain on land. The most affected regions are Makira, Temotu and Western Province.

The typical cyclone season depends on the summer monsoon. In the months before (May to June) and after (October to November), the most severe storms occur.

The most severe cyclone to make landfall on the Solomon Islands in the past 12 months was »Kevin«. It reached a wind speed of up to 111 km/h on March 2, 2023 at 5:00 pm local time near Lata and was 241 kilometers in diameter at the time. According to the internationally accepted Saffir-Simpson classification, this corresponded to a tropical storm cyclone. On the open sea, speeds of up to 248 km/h were measured (category 4).

Worst cyclone in the last 5 years:

7.  It’s home to the world’s largest raised coral atoll

East Rennell Island is the largest raised coral atoll in the world, stretching 86 km (53 miles) by 15 km (9 miles) wide. The entire site stretches three miles out to sea and measures around 300 sq. km (115 sq. miles). It’s also home to Lake Tegano, which is the largest lagoon in the Pacific.

Dense rainforest covers most of Rennel, with a canopy soaring 20 metres (65 ft) high.  https://www.enjoytravel.com/en/travel-news/interesting-facts/interesting-facts-solomon-islands 

8. Kibbie Pie

If you love having meat pie, Kibbie Pie can be a good choice for you. Kibbie pie is a meat pie that is prepared with ground beef. It is also accompanied by pomegranate seeds that enhance the taste of the cuisine. The citizens here enjoy this food a lot, and you will also like the taste of it.

9. The Solomon Islands’ coat of arms is a shield framed by a crocodile and a shark. The motto “To Lead Is To Serve” is displayed beneath it. On the shield are an eagle, a turtle, a war shield and some fighting spears.

10. Submarine Volcanoes

The Solomon Islands’ underwater landscape includes one of the world’s most active submarine volcanoes. Named after the sea god of the New Georgia Group islanders, Karachi can be found just south of Vangunu Island. Since its first recorded eruption in 1939, the underwater volcano has continued to break the water’s surface only to be eroded back by the sea numerous times. 


Channel Islands (not a country, but is on the list from page 1, and I was just camping there this weekend)

1. Taken from Wikipedia

2. Island Fox

The island fox only lives on six of the eight Channel Islands off the coast of southern California--they are found nowhere else on Earth. Each island population is recognized as a separate endemic or unique subspecies.

The island fox, a descendant of the mainland gray fox, is the largest of the Channel Islands' native mammals, but one of the smallest canid species in the world.

Although foxes have always existed at low population sizes, four island fox subspecies underwent catastrophic declines in the 1990s. On San Miguel, Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz Islands at Channel Islands National Park, the decline was attributed to predation by golden eagles. The presence of non-native ungulates as a food source in addition to the DDT-caused decline of bald eagles, a natural competitor, facilitated the establishment of golden eagles as resident breeders on the islands. By 2000, predation on island foxes resulted in population declines to 15 individuals on San Miguel and Santa Rosa Islands, and less than 80 on Santa Cruz Island. In 2004, each of the park's island fox subspecies were federally listed as endangered. https://www.nps.gov/chis/learn/nature/island-fox.htm

Photo by my friend John

3. Hauteville House

The Hauteville House is also called the Victor Hugo House, and it was the home of the famed author during his exile from France. Hugo lived here for over 14 years, and the house now stands as a monument and museum dedicated to his time there. 

You can find the house in the heart of St Peter Port in Guernsey. The house was officially donated to the City of Paris in March of 1927, making it one of the more unusual historic attractions among the Channel Islands. The home has been preserved exactly the way it was, with the rich creativity of Hugo on full display in every room.


Channel Islands (not a country, but is on the list from page 1, and I was just camping there this weekend)

please tell me if there is anything wrong in list as i posted countries based on https://data.worldbank.org/country


please tell me if there is anything wrong in list as i posted countries based on https://data.worldbank.org/country

I think that's ok. It's rolling already. And we even go to moon...


please tell me if there is anything wrong in list as i posted countries based on https://data.worldbank.org/country

Not your fault at all, but my misunderstanding. When searching for Channel Island, the first one that pops up is the one in California, USA. So, item # 2 (my entry) is incorrect. Sorry.

2. Les Platons 

Le Platons is the highest point of Jersey, a British Crown dependency, with an elevation of 136 metres (446 ft). It is located in the Vingtaine de la Ville-à-l'Évêque in the parish of Trinity

4. Super spuds

It may be just a humble spud, but the Jersey Royal potato has been elevated to higher status with its Protected Designation of Origin, meaning no one can nick the name for another product (in the same way as Champagne, in France). Jersey’s climate and soil conditions, along with the vraic (seaweed) farmers use as fertiliser, has helped to produce this particular type of papery skinned, flavourful potato since the late 1800s. La Mare Wine Estate even makes vodka with them.


Not your fault at all, but my misunderstanding. When searching for Channel Island, the first one that pops up is the one in California, USA. So, item # 2 (my entry) is incorrect. Sorry.

no problem  :)