Dark chocole that was so hard to pick because I like all of them lol.

best friend, pet, s/o 

pet (sorry i dont like land animals)

monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday

Monday (it's the only valid choice lmao)

Insruments: Woodwind, Percussion, Brass


movies: MCU, DCU, Stars Wars


breakfast, lunch, dinner

lunch that was hard lol because eating is so good XD

honesty, trust, communication

Trust How hard it is to choose

Shin Se Kyung - Im Yoo Na - Krystal

maybe Im Yoo Na

spring, summer, winter, fall

winter sorry guys!

high heels, flat shoes, sneakers

flat shoes (though i should probably pick heels T.T)

celebrations: graduation, wedding, birthday


sleep, social life, career

sleep (those were cruel options)

k-dramas, k-pop, k-food

k-pop sorry

your favorite: movie, music, book

beer for me all of them could go lol

top rated dramas: Move to Heaven, Nirvane in Fire, Week Hero Class 1