I am having an extremely frustrating time with editor Meng Po about a particular Japanese drama and how it is listed here on MDL. I requested she get others' input, but I see no post here abt  about it, so I am making one, since I think it's pretty important, given the circumstances. 

Here on MDL, we have listed a drama's title in its native Japanese, as per the rule. That drama is 'Shigatsu no Tokyo wa..'.  However, there is a BIG problem. This particular drama has been released outside of Japan, OFFICIALLY I may add, by its ENGLISH title of 'Tokyo In Sprng Is...' I personally spent two days looking everywhere for this drama, using the Japanese title and couldn't find it. It was not until I used the English title to search that it it popped up. There is simply no eay to find and watch this drama unless you search for it in English. Period. So the way it is being listed here on MDL makes it problematic for users to find to watch.

I requested an edit change because of this and was denied by Meng Po. I am posting this up so the editors can discuss this together,, because Meng Po and I have been going in circles about this. I am not disputing the rule at all. I have been here since 2012. I was here and contributed to the discussion back when this rule was made years ago. I still agree with it. Howver, that rule was made because most J drama are NOT OFFICIALLY released outside of Japan, so always keep their native title, unlike Korea. However, this particular drama seems to be an exception, just like many Mainland Chinese dramas are. As an example, I bring them up. They are released in China with their original Chinese title, but when they get picked up and liscensed here by a streaming site, they are then released with an English title and MDL lists their title in English. It makes zero sense why Japanese dramas that have the same circumstance are not. 

MDL was originally a database made so users could find dramas and keep track of what they watched. It is here to make it easier on all of us. How is it making things easier if you can't find the drama you want to watch because it is listed here with a different name? Again, I am not disputing the rule , but this is a rare situation for a Japanese drama. 

Also, I was accused by Meng Po by not providing sources,and links. I clearly named Viki as a source. I was not aware that I need to put in the actual link to Viki. I thought it was obvious, but to those of you not familuar with Viki, it is www.Viki.com. The drama, which Viki holds the streaming rights to, is listed there as 'Tokyo In Spring Is...' 

Yuanwei Volunteer Staff

I read your explanations, and we will discuss this issue. 

However, I must correct you cuz the English title is actually "Tokyo in April Is...".

chunyu Volunteer Staff

I just want to point out this part you wrote:  "I requested she get others' input, but I see no post here abt  about it, so I am making one, since I think it's pretty important, given the circumstances."

Not seeing a forum post about it does not mean the staff isn't discussing it. We have another channel for discussing these things - it's never in a public post. :) As for your issue, it will be discussed, as Yuanwei wrote above.

That was my fault, yes, lol. I meant the correct way. :p

Thank you. I do know it's a rare circumstance.