I've been watching C-Dramas, and I'm always curious about how much things cost. They seem to use these denominations:
- yi4 Wen2 Qian2 - a "wen" of money, seem like the smallest denomination
- a "liang3" of silver
- a "liang3" of gold - they said somewhere that it's worth 100 liangs of silver, making gold to silver at 1:100 ratio.
Does anyone know in general:
- How many Wens is a Liang of silver worth?
- How much do things cost in general, such as a 3 dish meal in a simple restaurant in those shows, or a big pork bun, a night in a simple hotel (ke4 zhan4), a cup of tea in a travel resting tea-house, etc?
I know this is a very obscure post, I've always been interested in diff costs of living, was just curious about those dramas, and at least understanding basic historic drama economics. Thanks in advance everyone.