Hello everyone... Wondering if anyone can help me... So far I am in love with Heavy Sweetness, Ash-like Frost. But I noticed there are two different subbed versions... One has white lettering over the Chinese characters and one has yellow lettering above the Chinese characters. I really want to save the one with the yellow letters but none of the main sites have it available for download...
I have been watching it on 4UDrama but I cannot find that version anywhere else... I rarely want to save dramas but this one has me hooked... Already watched the first 5 episodes twice so it's a keeper! Any suggestions on where to find it? Thank you! (^_^)
I use KSeries.net the subs are on point and done rather fast but they don't allow downloading. My next best that does offer downloading is https://ondramanice.tv/ they have kept up to speed like Kseries and the subs are pretty straight.