de Lily Alice, maio 1, 2023

The upcoming K-drama Happiness Battle, directed by Kim Yoon Cheol and written by Ju Young Ha, is a gripping suspense thriller that follows the story of mothers from rich families fighting a fierce social media battle to destroy others' happiness in pursuit of their own. 

On May 1, the first teaser for Happiness Battle was released. It features Jin Seo Yun as Song Jung Ah, Cha Ye Ryun as Kim Na Young, and Park Hyo Joo as Oh Yu Jin, all dressed up glamorously and taking selfies at their get-together. The teaser then shows their social media accounts, where photos of the three having a great time together, with the hashtag "#Mom's_party, #With_my_people" is uploaded. As the number of likes on the photo increases, their laughter becomes louder, and the friends make a toast. 

However, the mood suddenly turns tense when a coffee cup breaks and the scene transitions to Lee El (playing the role of Jang Mi Ho), who is looking at their SNS with a serious expression. Lee El's character faces the camera with a grave expression and asks, "Who could have killed her?" This raises the question of what Lee El saw on SNS that shocked her and what happened to the seemingly happy Jin Seo Yun, Cha Ye Ryun, and Park Hyo Joo. Viewers are left in suspense to eagerly anticipate the release of the upcoming mystery thriller. 

The drama will air every Wednesday and Thursday starting from May 31, as a follow-up drama to Bo Ra! Deborah.

Check out the first teaser on ENA's official Twitter channel. 
